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  • L. Bently, "Limitations on Pharmaceutical Trade Marks in Britain in the Twentieth Century", in B. Beebe and H. Sun (eds), Research Handbook on Trademark Limitations and Exceptions (Edward Elgar, 2023).
  • J. Davis, “What's in a Name? Linguistic and Legal Aspects of Company Names, Product and Service Names, Trademarks, and Brands”, with A. Durant, in I.M. Nick, Names, Naming, and the Law: Onomastics, Identity, Power, and Policy (Routledge, 2023).
  • J. Davis, “Bad Faith, Public Policy and Morality: How Open Concepts Shape Trade Mark Protection”, with L. Zelechowski, (2023) IIC, 859.


  • L. Bently, "The Place of Scienter in Trade Mark Infringement in Nineteenth Century England: The Fall and Rise of Millington v. Fox", (2020) 71 Case Western Law Review 493-546 (*published August 2021*).
  • J. Davis, “Exiling the Unwary Consumer from Unregistered Trade Mark Law in the UK: The Case for Change” in G.B.Dinwoodie and M. D. Janis, Research Handbook on Trade Mark Reform (Edward Elgar, 2021).
  • J. Davis, “Directions in Intellectual Property Research: A Linguistic Contribution”, with A.Durant, in I. Calboli and M.L. Montagnani, Handbook on Intellectual Property Research (Oxford University Press, 2021).


  • J. Davis, "Limitations to Trademark Protection as Defences to Infringement", in I. Calboli and J. Ginsburg, The Cambridge Handbook of International and Comparative Trademark Law (Cambridge University Press, 2020).
  • J. Davis, “'Fack Ju Gohte': or when is a trade mark offensive”, Cambridge Law Journal (2020) 79(2), pp. 234-237.
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Markenrecht versus Domainrecht – ein Plädoyer für die Paradigmen des Markenrechts im Rechtsvergleich” (Trademark Law versus Law of Domain Names) together with J. Apel, Wettbewerb in Recht und Praxis (WRP – Journal on Competition Law and Practice), Vol.46 No.9 (2000), pp.816-824 – Deutscher Fachverlag.
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Global Trademark Protection for Certification Marks and Ecolabels", in International Law Association (ILA), Committee on Sustainable Development and the Green Economy, Interim Report on Sustainable Development and the Green Economy in International Trade Law, Kyoto (Japan) Conference 2020.


  • J. Davis, "The Role of Confusion in Unfair Competition Law: A Comparative Perspective", in S. Frankel (ed.), Is Intellectual Property Pluralism Functional? (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2019).


  • L. Bently, "The Confusion, Uncertainty, and Dissatisfaction with them Legal Protection of Newspaper and Periodical Titles in Nineteenth-Century England", (2018) 51(4) Victorian Periodicals Review, pp.692-715.
  • J. Davis, "Linguistic Analysis in Trade Mark Law: Current Approaches and New Challenges", with A. Durant, in J. Visconti (ed), Handbook of Communication in the Legal Sphere (Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Mouton, 2018), pp. 287-320.


  • L, Bently, "Day & Martin v Day, Day and Martin", (1816) in J Bellido, Landmark Cases in Intellectual Property (Hart, 2017).


  • J. Davis, "HAVE A BREAK and the Changing Demands of Trade Mark Registration", with A. Durant,  Q.M.J.I.P. (2015) 5(2), pp.132-156.
  • J. Davis, "Revisiting the Average Consumer: An Uncertain Presence in European Trade Mark Law", (2015) Intellectual Property Quarterly, 15.
  • J. Davis, "The continuing importance of local goodwill in passing off (Case Comment)" C.L.J. 2015, 74(3) pp.419-422.


  • L. Bently, "The First Trade Mark Case at Common Law? The Story of Singleton v Bolton (1783)", (2014) 47 University of California Davis Law Review, pp.969-1014.
  • J. Davis, "The 'Exhaustion Approach' to Trade Mark Protection: A Parallel Universe or a Better Way?", (2014) Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice.


  • J. Davis, "The Breach of the “Euro Defence” to Trade Mark Infringement (Case Comment) C.L.J. 2013, 72(1), pp.31-34.
  • J. Davis, "Promoting the Public Interest and the European Trade Mark Directive: A Contradictory Approach", (2013) Journal of the Academy of European Law, 14, pp.117-129.
  • J. Davis, "Country Reports: United Kingdom", in F. Henning-Bodewig, International Handbook on Unfair Competition, Munich: Verlag C. H. Beck, 2013.
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "An International Trade Perspective on Transit Seizures", Tijdschrift op het gebied van Merken- en Modellenrecht / Magazine dans le domaine du droit des marques et modèles (BMM Bulletin), (2013), pp.142-149.


  • J. Davis, "To Protect or Not to Protect? The Eligibility of Commercially Used Short Verbal Texts for Copyright and Trade Mark Protection" 4 (2011) Intellectual Property Quarterly, 354.
  • J. Davis, "Passing Off and Joint Liability: The Rise and Fall of 'Instruments of Deception", (2011) 4 European Intellectual Property Review, 33, pp.204-10.


  • J. Davis, "Why the United Kingdom Should Have a Law Against Misappropriation", (2010) Cambridge Law Journal, 69, pp.561-582.
  • J. Davis, "Trade Marks, Brands and Competition", (with S. Maniatis) in T. da Silva Lopes and D. Duguid (eds.) Trademarks, Brands and Competitiveness Routledge, 2010.


  • J. Davis, "The ECJ Considers Trade Mark Dilution", in Cambridge Law Journal, vol. 68, issue 02, July 2009, pp.290-292.


  • L. Bently, (ed.) Trade Marks and Brands: An Interdisciplinary Critique (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008) (with J. Davis and J. Ginsburg).
  • L. Bently, "The Making of Modern Trade Marks Law: The Construction of the Legal Concept of Trade Mark (1860-80)", in L. Bently, J.C. Ginsburg, J. Davis (eds.) Trade Marks and Brands: An Interdisciplinary Critique (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008).
  • L. Bently, "From Communication to Thing: Historical Aspects of the Conceptualisation of Trade Marks as Property", in G. Dinwoodie and M. Janis, Trademark Law and Theory: A Handbook of Contemporary Research (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2008) (also published in Japanese (trans. Nobuhide Otomo).
  • J. Davis, "Trade Marks and Brands: An Interdisciplinary Critique", (ed.) with L. Bently and J. Ginsburg, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
  • J. Davis, "Between a Sign and a Brand: Mapping the Boundaries of a Registered Trade Mark in European Trade Mark Law", in L. Bently, J. Ginsburg and J. Davis (eds.), Trade Marks and Brands: An Interdisciplinary Critique, Cambridge University Press, 2008 pp.65-91.
  • J. Davis, "Protecting the Common: Delineating a Public Domain in Trade Mark Law", in G. Dinwoodie and M. Janis (eds.) Trade Mark Law and Theory: A Handbook of Contemporary Research, Edward Elgar Press, 2008 pp.345-367.


  • J. Davis, "Fame and its Exploitation: the Legal Protection of Celebrity in the United Kingdom", in B. Bogusz, A. Cygan and E. Szyszczak (eds.) Sports Law Edward Elgar Press, 2007 pp.181-205.
  • J. Davis, "Unfair Competition Law in the United Kingdom", in R. Hilty and F. Henning-Bodewig (eds.) The Law Against Unfair Competition: Towards a Paradigm in Europe, Springer, 2007 pp.183-193.


  • L. Bently, "The Impact of European Geographical Indications on National Rights in Member States", with B. Sherman, (2006) 96 Trademark Reporter, pp.850-905.
  • J. Davis, "The Value of Trade Marks: Economic Assets and Cultural Icons", in Y. Gendreau (ed.) Intellectual Property: Bridging Aesthetics and Economics Themis, University of Montreal, 2006 pp.97-123.


  • J. Davis, "Locating the Average Consumer: His Judicial Origins, Intellectual 'Influences and Current Role in European Trade Mark Law", (2005) 2 Intellectual Property Quarterly, 183.
  • J. Davis, "The Need to Leave Free for Others to Use and the Trade Mark Common", in J. Phillips and I. Simon (eds.) Trade Mark Use: Essays in the Concept of Use in Relation to Trade Mark Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005, 31.



  • L. Bently, "Recent Developments in Trade Marks Law: The Jurisprudence of the ECJ Since 1 January 2002", (2003) Yearbook of European Law, pp.583-632.
  • J. Davis, "To Protect or Serve? European Trade Mark Law and the Decline of the Public Interest", (2003) 4 European Intellectual Property Review, 180.


  • L. Bently, "The Requirement of Trade Mark Use", with R. Burrell, (2002) 13 Australian Intellectual Property Journal 181.
  • J. Davis, "European Trade Mark Law and the Enclosure of the Commons", (2002) 4 Intellectual Property Quarterly, 342.
  • J. Davis, "'The Baby-Dry' Case: The Modernisation of Trade Marks?", Case Note, Cambridge Law Journal, (2002) 1.
  • J. Davis, "The King is Dead, Long Live the King", Case Note, Cambridge Law Journal, (2002) 1.


  • J. Davis, "Silhouette and the Limits of Free Trade", Case Note, Cambridge Law Journal, (1998) 3.
  • J. Davis, "How the Trade Marks Act Shapes Up to Perpetual Monopolies", Case Note, Cambridge Law Journal, (1998) 2.
  • J. Davis, "The Value of a Reputation", Case Note, Cambridge Law Journal, (1998) 1.


  • J. Davis, "First Principles or Old Principles? The English Courts and the 1994 Trade Marks Act", Cambridge Law Journal, Case Note, (1996) 3.