Intellectual Property
- Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1988
- Patents Act 1977
- Registered Designs Act 1988
- Trade Marks Act 1994
- Public Lending Rights Act 1979
- Plant Varieties Act 1997
Statutory Instruments
- SI 2016/565 (Free Public showing/section 72)
- SI 2016/221 (Collective Management)
- SI 2016/370 (Cayman Islands)
- SI 2015/795 (Cayman Islands)
- SI 2015/216 (International Protection)
- SI 2014/2356 (Parody and Quotation)
- SI 2014/2361 (Personal Copies for private use)
- SI 2014/1385 (Public Administration)
- SI 2014/1372 (Research, Education, Libraries)
- SI 2014/1384 (Disability)
- SI 2014/2863 (Orphan Works UK)
- SI 2014/2861 (Orphan Works EU)
- SI 2014/2588 (Extended Collective Licensing)
- SI 2014/898 (Regulation of Licensing Bodies)
- SI 2014/434 (Term)
- SI 2013/1782 (Term)
- SI 2013/536 (Application to other Countries)
- SI 1997/3032 (Sui Generis Database Right)
- SI 1996/2967 (Publication Right)
- SI 1995/3297 (Term extension transitional)
Trade Marks
Data Protection/Information Law
Statutory Instruments
- SI 2000/183 (Data Protection Act 1998 (Commencement))
- SI 2000/184 (Data Protection (Corporate Finance Exemption))
- SI 2000/185 (Data Protection (Conditions under Paragraph 3 of Part II of Sch. 1))
- SI 2000/186 (Data Protection (Functions of Designated Authority))
- SI 2000/187 (Data Protection (Fees under section 19(7) Regulations 2000)
- SI 2000/188 (Data Protection (Notification and Notification Fees))
- SI 200/190 (Data Protection (International Cooperation)
- SI 2000/191 (Data Protection (Subject Access Fees and Miscellaneous Provisions))
- SI 2000/413 (Data Protection Subject Access Modifications (Health))
- SI 2000/414 (Data Protection Subject Access Modifications (Education))
- SI 2000/415 (Data Protection Subject Access Modifications (Social Work))
- SI 2000/416 (Data Protection (Crown Appointments))
- SI 2000/417 (Data Protection (Processing of Sensitive Personal Data))
- SI 2000/419 (Data Protection (Miscellaneous Subject Access Exemptions)
- SI 2000/1864 (Data Protection (Designated Codes of Practice No. 2))
- SI 2000/1865 (Data Protection (Miscellaneous Subject Access Exemptions)
- SI 2001/3214 (Data Protection (Notification and Notification Fees Amendment))
- SI 2001/3223 (Data Protection (Subject Access Fees and Miscellaneous Provisions Amendment))
- SI 2002/2905 (Data Protection (Processing of Sensitive Personal Data Elected Representatives))
- SI 2003/2426 (Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive))
- SI 2004/3391 (Environmental Information Regulations)
- SI 2004/3244 (Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees))
- SI 2005/467 (Data Protection (Subject Access Modification Social Work))
- SI 2006/2068 (Data Protection (Processing of Sensitive Personal Data))
- SI 2008/1592 (Data Protection Act 1998 (Commencement No. 2))
- SI 2009/1677 (Data Protection (Notification and Notification Fees Amendment))
- SI 2009/1811 (Data Protection (Processing of Sensitive Personal Data))
- SI 2010/31 (Data Protection (Monetary Penalties Maximum Penalties and Notices))
- SI 2010/910 (Data Protection (Monetary Penalties))
- SI 2010/2961 (Data Protection (Processing of Sensitive Personal Data Elected Representatives Amendment))
- SI 2011/601 (Data Protection Act 1998 (Commencement No. 3))
- SI 2011/1208 (Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive Amendment))
- SI 2011/1034 (Data Protection (Subject Access Modification Social Work Amendment))
- SI 2012/1978 (Data Protection (Processing of Sensitive Personal Data))
- SI 2015/312 (Data Protection Act 1998 (Commencement No. 4))