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Audio recordings of most of these events are available on Captivate (and most popular podcast apps) or Apple Podcasts/iTunes.

Lent Term





11 November 2011

Nic Garnett
Principal Consultant, Interight

"Copyright, Technology and the Music Industry"


11 November 2011

Feargal Sharkey
CEO, UK Music

"Copyright, Technology and the Music Industry"


25 November 2011

Mireille van Eechoud
Associate Professor, Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam

"Of Interfaces, Snippets and Sequences. Is the European Court of Justice Fragmenting or Integrating the Notion of Copyright Works?"


26 January 2012

Christopher J. Buccafusco
Assistant Professor of Law, Chicago-Kent College of Law

"Valuing Attribution and Publication in Intellectual Property"


27 January 2012

Thomas Pogge
Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs, Yale University

"Patents, Pharmaceuticals and the Health Impact Fund"


7 February 2012

Jennifer Davis
University of Cambridge

"Trade Mark Law and Brand Values (or Arsenal v Reed Ten Years On)"


23 February 2012

Isabella Alexander
University of Cambridge

"Copyrighting 'The Face of Nature': Maps and Copyright in the 18th Century"

No recording available

8 March 2012

Michael Silverleaf QC
Barrister, 11 South Square

"The Person Skilled in the Art"

No recording available

9 May 2012

Keith Schilling
Senior Partner, Schillings Lawyers

"Law, Celebrity and the Internet"



17 May 2012

Sean Bottomley
University of Cambridge

"The Specification Requirement and the Diffusion of Technology during the 18th Century"


17 May 2012

Helen Gubby
Adjunct Professor, Rotterdam School of Management and the School of Law, Erasmus University

"Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose: Why the Patent Disputes of the Industrial Revolution Shed Light on the Patent Disputes of the Digital Age"


24 May 2012

David Lametti
Associate Professor of Law, McGill University

"The Cloud as Enclosure 3.0"

24 May 2012

David Lametti
Associate Professor of Law, McGill University

"Virtue Ethics and IP/Property: The Briefest of Introductions"

For further information about the seminars, please email: