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  • M. Aboy, "Ten Principles for Responsible Quantum Innovation", with M. Kop, E. De Jong, U. Gasser, T. Minssen, and I.G. Cohen, Quantum Science and Technology 9 (3), 035013
  • M. Aboy, "Beyond the 510 (k): The Regulation of Novel Moderate-Risk Medical Devices, Intellectual Property Considerations, and Innovation Incentives in the FDA’s De Novo Pathway", with C. Crespo, and  A. Stern, npj Digital Medicine 7 (1), 29
  • M. Aboy, "Towards Responsible Quantum Technology: Safeguarding, Engaging and Advancing Quantum R&D", with M. Kop, E. De Jong, U. Gasser, T. Minssen, and I.G. Cohen, UC L. Sci. & Tech. J. 15, 63


  • M. Aboy, "Evidence-Based IP Research", with L.C. Druedahl, and T. Minssen, Research Handbook on Empirical Studies in Intellectual Property Law, 120-136
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, International Intellectual Property in an Integrated World Economy, (with F. Abbott, T. Cottier, F. Gurry, R. Abbott, M. Burri, and M. McCann), Aspen 2023 (5th Edition).
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Does IP Improve the World?", in Improving Intellectual Property - A Global Project, edited by S.Frankel, M. Chon, G.B. Dinwoodie, B. Lauriat, and J.Schovsbo (Edward Elgar, 2023) – online available at:


  • M. Aboy, "Intellectual Property in Quantum Computing and Market Power: A Theoretical Discussion and Empirical Analysis", with M. Kop, and T. Minssen, Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 17 (8), 613-628
  • J. Davis, Intellectual Property: Text, Cases and Materials, 4th Edition, with T. Aplin, (Oxford University Press, 2022).
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, Is IP Good for our Planet?, GRUR International, Volume 71, Issue 8, August 2022, pp.683–684 (doi:


  • L. Bently, "Judicial Creativity and Transitions in EU Intellectual Property Law", N. Bruun, G. Dinwoodie, M.Levin and A. Ohly (eds), Transitions and Coherence in Intellectual Property Law: Essays in Honour of Annette Kur (2021) Ch 2, pp 25-45.
  • K. Liddell, "An Empirical Study of Large, Human Bioresources: Intellectual Property Policies and Financial Conditions for Access", with M. Jordan and J. Liddicoat (2021) 8(1) Journal of Law and the Biosciences pp.1-32.


  • M. Aboy, "The FDA De Novo Medical Device Pathway, Patents and Anticompetition", with J.S. Sherkow, Nature Biotechnology 38 (9), 1028-1029
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Proportionality and Balancing within the Objectives of Intellectual Property Protection", in P Torremanns (Editor), Intellectual Property and Human Rights (4th Edition), Kluwer Law International (2020), pp.201-244.


  • J. Davis, Intellectual Property: Text, Cases and Materials, with T.Aplin, (3rd edition),  Oxford:OUP, 2017.
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Relation of Intellectual Property Rights to Trade, Investment and Anti-Trust Rules" (with B. Conde Gallego) pp.526-529; "Fair Use and Compulsory Licensing" pp.529-531; "Toward Ceilings and Graduation of Intellectual Property Obligations" pp.534-538, in T. Cottier and K. Nadakavukaren Schefer (Editors), Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, Edward Elgar (2017).


  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, The Protection of Intellectual Property in International Law, Oxford University Press, 2016.
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Intellectual Property and Trade in a Post-TRIPS Environment", in H. Ullrich, R. Hilty, M. Lamping, J. Drexl (editors), TRIPS plus 20 - From Trade Rules to Market Principles, MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law,  Volume 25, Springer (2016), pp.163-184.


  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Intellectual Property Offences", in N. Boister R. Currie (eds.), Handbook on Transnational Criminal Law, Routledge (2015), pp.312-327.


  • L. Bently, "Trade Secrets: Intellectual Property but Not Property?" in H. Howe (ed), Concepts of Property in Intellectual Property (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013) pp.60-93.


  • J. Davis, Intellectual Property Law, 4th Edition, Butterworths Core Text Series, 2012.


  • L. Bently, "The “Extraordinary Multiplicity” of Intellectual Property Laws in the British Colonies in the Nineteenth Century", (2011) 12 Theoretical Inquiries in Law pp.161-200.
  • H. Grosse Ruse-KHan, “Assessing the Need for a General Public Interest Exception in the TRIPS Agreement”, in A. Kur, M. Levin (Editors) Intellectual Property Rights in a Fair World Trade System, Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, 2011, pp.168-207.


  • L. Bently (ed.) The Common Law of Intellectual Property: Essays in Honour of Professor David Vaver (Oxford: Hart, 2010), (including co-authoring of introduction, "Emerging Divergences in the Common Law of Intellectual Property: An Overview", pp. 3-17 and Postscript, "Was There Ever a Common Law of Intellectual Property?", pp. 401-421).
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “From TRIPS to ACTA: Towards a New 'Gold Standard' in Criminal IP Enforcement?” (April 19, 2010). Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition & Tax Law Research Paper No. 10-06, pp.1-23 [also available on SSRN at


  • J. Davis, Intellectual Property: Cases and Materials, (ed.) with T. Aplin,  Oxford University Press, 2009.
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “Re-delineation of the Role of Stakeholders: IP Enforcement Beyond Exclusive Rights” in X. Li and C. Correa (Editors), Intellectual Property Enforcement International Perspectives, Edward Elgar and South Centre (2009), pp. 43-61 also available at SSRN as Max Planck Papers on Intellectual Property, Competition & Tax Law Research Paper No.09-09;


  • C. Angelopoulos, 'Modern Intellectual Property Legislation: Warm for Reform' (2008) 2 Entertainment Law Review, pp. 35-40.
  • L. Bently, "The Making of Modern Intellectual Property Law", (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999) (reissued in paperback 2008) (with B. Sherman) (translated into Arabic (2003) and Chinese (2007) (trans. Haijun Jin).
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “Proportionality and Balancing within the Objectives of Intellectual Property Protection”, in P. Torremanns (Editor), Intellectual Property and Human Rights (2nd Edition), Kluwer Law International (2008), pp.161-194 [reprinted in the third edition (2015), pp.185-220].


  • L. Bently, The Making of Modern Intellectual Property Law,  with B. Sherman, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999) reissued in paperback 2008) (translated into Arabic (2003) and Chinese (2007) -.trans. Haijun Jin).


  • L. Bently, Intellectual Property in the New Millennium: Essays in Honour of Professor W.R. Cornish, with D. Vaver (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Intellectual Property Aspects of Socio-Economic Research" (with N. Gnädig, K. Knorpp and M. Giannakoulis) published in the framework of the EU Project RESPECT as IES Report No.413 (2004), ppi-xii, 1-109.


  • L. Bently, Intellectual Property Law, with B. Sherman,  (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001) (2nd ed, 2004) (3rd ed, 2008) (4th ed, 2014), (the copyright section of which was translated into Russian by VL Volfson and published by Yurideichesky Press, St Petersburg in 2004), (5th ed, 2018 (with B. Sherman, D. Gangee, and P. Johnson - translated into Kazakh), (6th ed, 2022 - with B. Sherman, D. Gangee and P. Johnson).
  • J. Davis, Intellectual Property (Butterworths, 2001; second edition, 2003).


  • L. Bently Intellectual Property and Ethics, Perspectives on Intellectual Property (Vol.IV), with S. Maniatis (eds), (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1998).