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Audio recordings of most of these events are available on Captivate (and most popular podcast apps) or Apple Podcasts/iTunes.

Easter Term





24 April 2014

Professor Kevin Outterson
Professor of Health Law, Bioethics and Human Rights, Boston University and Visiting Fellow at Chatham House, Centre on Global Health Security

"The legal ecology of resistance, or why normal IP rules shouldn't apply to antibiotics"



1 May 2014

Simon Davies
D Young & Co

Julian Potter
WP Thompson

"Software patents - legal and commercial perspectives"






Lent Term





30 January 2014

Julius Stobbs
Stobbs IP

"What makes a trade mark inherently distinctive?"



13 February 2014

Christopher Rennie-Smith
Board of Appeal - European Patent Office

"Bioscience, patent law, and the generally-overlooked requirement of industrial application"




Michaelmas Term





24 October 2013

Dr Ge Chen
Research Associate, CRASSH and CIPIL

"From Shevill to Pickney: How the European Courts Balance Information Regarding Rights in Internet Jurisdiction"



31 October 2013

Professor Sam Ricketson
Professor of Law, Melbourne Law School

"The Past and Present of the Paris Convention"


14 November 2013

Dr Eleonora Rosati
Research Associate, CRASSH and CIPIL

"If You Expect Nothing From Anybody, You're Never Disappointed: Orphan Works in the EU and UK"



22 November 2013

Professor Jane Ginsburgh
Morton L. Janklow Professor of Literary and Artistic Property Law

"Vestigial Copyright Categories and Copyright-Avoiding Business Models"

Not recorded

5 December 2013

Professor Alice Lee
Associate Professor, Hong Kong University

"An exception for parody - A common concern in the recent copyright consultation in UK and Hong Kong"



6 December 2013

Professor Mark McKenna
Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development, University of Notre Dame Law School

"Defensive Doctrines in Trademark Law"

Not recorded

For further information about the seminars, please email: