- "Patents and Trade Secrets", with T. Aplin, in N. Wilkof and I. Calboli, Overlapping Intellectual Property Rights (2d ed, 2023)
- "Non-Discrimination as to the Field of Commerce as a Norm of International Trade Mark Law", in G. Dinwoodie, S. Frankel, and J. Schovsbo (eds), Festschrift for Rochelle Dreyfuss (2023)
- "Limitations on Pharmaceutical Trade Marks in Britain in the Twentieth Century", in B. Beebe and H. Sun (eds), Research Handbook on Trademark Limitations and Exceptions (Edward Elgar, 2023)
- "United Kingdom", in P.Geller (ed.) International Copyright: Law and Practice (New York: Matthew Bender, from 1998, annually updated)
- "Injunctive Relief in United Kingdom Patent Law", with Lord Justice Richard Arnold, in J. Contreras and M. Husovec, Patent Injunctions (Cambridge, 2022) Ch 11
- International Copyright Law and Practice (Genral Editor) (New York: Lexis, 2014-2021)
- "The Place of Scienter in Trade Mark Infringement in Nineteenth Century England: The Fall and Rise of Millington v. Fox", (2020) 71 Case Western Law Review 493-546 (*published August 2021*)
- "The Past, Present and Future of the Cambridge Law Journal", (2021) CLJ (special issue)
- "Judicial Creativity and Transitions in EU Intellectual Property Law", N. Bruun, G. Dinwoodie, M.Levin and A. Ohly (eds), Transitions and Coherence in Intellectual Property Law: Essays in Honour of Annette Kur (2021) Ch 2, pp 25-45
- "The Football Game as a Copyright Work", in van Eechoud, van Gompel, Helberger and Poort (eds) Intellectual Property and Sport (Kluwer, 2021) 305-317
- Global Mandatory Fair Use, with T. Aplin,(Cambridge: CUP, 2020) (to be translated into Chinese)
- "Copyright and Quotation in Film and TV", (CREATe Working Paper 2020/08)
- (General Editor) International Copyright Law and Practice (New York: Lexis Nexis, (annually updated)) 2013-2021, 2013 (with P. Geller), 2014-2019 (as sole General Editor), 2019-2021 (with B. Ong)
- "Whatever Became of Global Mandatory Fair Use?", with T. Aplin, in S. Frankel (ed) Intellectual Property and Functional Pluralism (Edward Elgar, 2019)
- "Displacing the Dominance of the Three-Step Test: The Role of Global, Mandatory Fair Use", with T. Aplin in W.L. Loy (ed) Comparative Aspects of Limitations and Exceptions in Copyright Law (CUP, 2019)
- "The Design-Copyright Conflict in the United Kingdom: A History", in Derclaye (ed) The Copyright-Designs Interface (CUP, 2018) Ch 6, 171-225
- "The Confusion, Uncertainty, and Dissatisfaction with them Legal Protection of Newspaper and Periodical Titles in Nineteenth-Century England", (2018) 51(4) Victorian Periodicals Review, 692-715
- JIIP/Technopolis et al, "Study in Support of the Evaluation of the Database Directive" (Brussels: European Commission, Apr 2018) (with E. Derclaye)
- "Strengthening the Position of Press Publishers and Authors & Performers in the Copyright Directive", with M. Kretschmer, (Brussels and Strasbourg: European Parliament: Oct 2017)
- "Day & Martin v Day, Day and Martin", (1816) in J Bellido, Landmark Cases in Intellectual Property (Hart, 2017)
- "Self-Copying and Copyright" in D. Hudson-Hick and R. Schmuecker (eds.) in The Aesthetics and Ethics of Copying (Bloomsbury, 2016) pp.271-295
- "Drassinower’s Vision of Copyright", Review Essay on Drassinower’s What’s Wrong with Copying? (2016, HUP) in (2016) IPJ
- Intellectual Property Law, with B. Sherman, (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001) (2nd ed, 2004) (3rd ed, 2008) (4th ed, 2014), (the copyright section of which was translated into Russian by VL Volfson and published by Yurideichesky Press, St Petersburg in 2004), (5th ed, 2018 (with B. Sherman, D. Gangee, and P. Johnson - translated into Kazakh), (6th ed, 2022 - with B. Sherman, D. Gangee and P. Johnson)
- International Copyright Law and Practice (Genral Editor) (New York: Lexis, 2014)
- "Discontinuities Between Legal Conceptions of Authorship and Social Practices: What, if anything, is to be done?", with L. Biron, in M. Eechoud (ed.) The Work of Authorship: Creativity that Counts (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press/OAPEN library, Amsterdam, 2014), pp. 237-276
- "The Author Strikes Back", with L. Biron, in K. Bowrey and M. Handler (eds.), Law and Creativity in the Age of the Entertainment Franchise (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), Ch 2, pp.29-51
- "The First Trade Mark Case at Common Law? The Story of Singleton v Bolton (1783)", (2014) 47 University of California Davis Law Review, pp. 969-1014
- International Copyright Law and Practice (General Editor with P. Geller) (New York: Lexis Nexis, 2013)
- "Patents and Trade Secrets in England: The Case of Newbury v James (1817)", in R. Dreyfuss and J. Ginsburg, IP at the Edge (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), pp. 295-317
- "Patents and Trade Secrets" in S. Basheer and N. Wilkof (eds.), Overlapping Intellectual Property Rights, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), Ch 3
- "Trade Secrets: Intellectual Property but Not Property?" in H. Howe (ed), Concepts of Property in Intellectual Property (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013) pp.60-93
- Annual Revision (1998-2013) of "United Kingdom" in M. Nimmer and P. Geller (eds.) International Copyright Law and Policy (New York: Lexis/Nexis)
- Gurry on Confidence: The Law of Trade Secrets (Oxford: OUP, 2012, with T. Aplin, P. Johnson, and S. Malynicz), Chs 1,2,9,10, 11
- "Prince Albert v Strange (1849)" in C. Mitchell and P. Mitchell, Landmark Cases on Equity Ch 8 (Oxford: Hart, 2012) pp. 235-267
- "The Return of Industrial Copyright?" (2012) European Intellectual Property Review pp.654-672
- "The Electric Telegraph and the Struggle over Copyright in News in Australia, Great Britain and India" in B. Sherman and L. Wiseman, Copyright and the Challenge of the New (Kluwer Law International, 2012) Ch 3
- (Consultant Editor), "Confidence and Informational Privacy", Halsbury's Laws of England, Vol 19, (London: LexisNexis, 2011)
- "The “Extraordinary Multiplicity” of Intellectual Property Laws in the British Colonies in the Nineteenth Century", (2011) 12 Theoretical Inquiries in Law pp.161-200
- "Exclusions from Patentability and exceptions to Patentees' Right: Taking Exceptions Seriously", (2011) 64 Current Legal Problems, pp. 315-247
- Copyright and Piracy: An Interdisciplinary Critique, with J. Davis and J.C. Ginsburg, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010)
- Global Copyright, with P. Torremans and U. Suthersanen (eds.) (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010)
- Privilege and Property: Essays in the History of Copyright (OpenBook Publishers, 2010) (with R. Deazley & M. Kretschmer and contributor to ‘Introduction’, pp. 1-20)
- (ed), From Privilege to Property: Essays on the History of Copyright (Cambridge: OpenBook, 2010) (with R. Deazley and M. Kretschmer)
- "Identity and the Law", in G. Walker and E. Leedham-Green, Identity (The Darwin College Lectures), (Cambridge: CUP, 2010) pp.26-58
- (ed.) The Common Law of Intellectual Property: Essays in Honour of Professor David Vaver (Oxford: Hart, 2010), (including co-authoring of introduction, "Emerging Divergences in the Common Law of Intellectual Property: An Overview", pp. 3-17 and Postscript, "Was There Ever a Common Law of Intellectual Property?", pp. 401-421)
- '"The sole right...Shall return to the Authors": Anglo-American Authors' reversion rights from the Statute of Anne to Contemporary US Copyright", (2010) 25(3) Berkeley Technology Law Journal of Law and the Arts, pp.1-109
- WIPO, Standing Committee on Patents, Exclusions from Patentabilty and Exceptions to Patent Rights (2010) at http://www.wipo.int/edocs/mdocs/scp/en/scp_15/scp_15_3-annex1.pdf
- "Authorship of Popular Music in UK Copyright Law", (2009) 12(2) Information Communication and Society, pp.179-204 (special issue, 2009)
- (ed.) Trade Marks and Brands: An Interdisciplinary Critique (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008) (with J. Davis and J. Ginsburg)
- "The Making of Modern Intellectual Property Law", (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999) (reissued in paperback 2008) (with B. Sherman) (translated into Arabic (2003) and Chinese (2007) (trans. Haijun Jin)
- "Parody and Copyright in the Common Law World", in Copyright and Freedom of Expression (Alai, 2008)
- "R. v The Author: From Death Penalty to Community Service", (2008) 32 Columbia Journal of Law and the Arts pp. 1-109
- "The Making of Modern Trade Marks Law: The Construction of the Legal Concept of Trade Mark (1860-80)", in L. Bently, J.C. Ginsburg, J. Davis (eds.) Trade Marks and Brands: An Interdisciplinary Critique (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008)
- "From Communication to Thing: Historical Aspects of the Conceptualisation of Trade Marks as Property", in G. Dinwoodie and M. Janis, Trademark Law and Theory: A Handbook of Contemporary Research (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2008) (also published in Japanese (trans. Nobuhide Otomo)
- "Copyright, Translations, and Relations Between Britain and India in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries", (2007) 82(3) Chicago-Kent Law Review, pp.1181-1240
- "Computer Programs Directive" in T. Dreier and P. B. Hugenholtz, Concise Copyright Law (Kluwer, 2007)
- "The Impact of European Geographical Indications on National Rights in Member States", with B. Sherman, (2006) 96 Trademark Reporter, pp. 850-905
- "Commentary on EC Directive on Legal Protection of Computer Programs", in T. Dreier and B. Hugenholtz, Concise European Copyright Law (Hague: Kluwer, 2006), pp. 211-238
- "Interpretation of Copyright rules: The Role of the Interpreter - The Creation Function", in Exploring the Sources of Copyright (ALAI, 2005), pp.365-381
- Intellectual Property in the New Millennium: Essays in Honour of Professor W.R. Cornish, with D. Vaver (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004)
- (ed.) Law and the Senses: Sensational Jurisprudence (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004) (with L. Flynn)
- "Copyright and the Victorian Internet: Telegraphic Property Laws In Colonial Australia", (2004) 38 Loyola Los Angeles Law Review, pp.71-176
- "Recent Developments in Trade Marks Law: The Jurisprudence of the ECJ Since 1 January 2003" (April 2004, Fordham University Conference Paper)
- "Recent Developments in Trade Marks Law: The Jurisprudence of the ECJ Since 1 January 2002", (2003) Yearbook of European Law, pp. 583-632
- "Art and the Making of Modern Copyright Law" in D.McLean and K.Schubert, Dear Images: Art, Copyright and Culture (London: ICA/Ridinghouse, 2002)
- "Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Problems Facing Freelance Creators in the UK Media Market Place", (London: Institute for Employment Rights, 2002)
- "The Requirement of Trade Mark Use", with R. Burrell, (2002) 13 Australian Intellectual Property Journal 181
- "Great Britain and the Signing of the Berne Convention in 1886", with B. Sherman, (2001) 48 Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA, pp.311-340
- Intellectual Property and Ethics, Perspectives on Intellectual Property (Vol.IV), with S. Maniatis (eds), (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1998)
- Visuality and Textuality in Nineteenth Century Intellectual Property Law, Intellectual Property Forum (Journal of the Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand) (Issue 29, May 1997) pp. 28-33
- "The UK's Forgotten Utility Model: The Utility Designs Act 1843", with B. Sherman, (1997) 3 Intellectual Property Quarterly pp. 267-78
- Law and the Senses: Sensational Jurisprudence, with L. Flynn (eds.), (London: Pluto, 1996). (Introduction by L. Bently)
- "Performers Rights: Options for Reform to the Interdepartmental Committee of the Australian Government", with B. Sherman (1996)
- "Requiem for Registration? Reflections on the History of the The UK Registered Design System" in A.Firth (ed), Perspectives on Intellectual Property Vol 1: The Prehistory of Intellectual Property Law, (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1996) pp. 1-48
- "Copyright and the Death of the Author in Law and Literature",(1994) 57 Modern Law Review, pp.973-986