- L. Bently, "Non-Discrimination as to the Field of Commerce as a Norm of International Trade Mark Law", in G. Dinwoodie, S. Frankel, and J. Schovsbo (eds), Festschrift for Rochelle Dreyfuss (2023).
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, International Intellectual Property in an Integrated World Economy (with F. Abbott, T. Cottier, F. Gurry, R. Abbott, M. Burri, and M. McCann) Aspen 2023 (5th Edition).
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "A Transactional Approach to Intellectual Property", in A Critical Mind: Hanns Ullrich's Footprint in Internal Market Law, Antitrust and Intellectual Property, edited by C. Godt and M. Lamping, Springer (2023).
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "A TRIPS-Covid Waiver and Overlapping Commitments to Protect Intellectual Property Rights Under International IP and Investment Agreements", (with F. Paddeu), South Centre Research Paper 144, 27 January 2022 – online available at: https://www.southcentre.int/research-paper-144-27-january-2022/.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "The Role of Customary International Law in Intellectual Property Protection beyond Borders", in A. Metzger and H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, Intellectual Property Protection Beyond Borders, Cambridge University Press (2022), pp.121-156 – and University of Cambridge Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 29/2021 (October 4, 2021), online at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3957449; pp.1-30.
- L. Bently, Global Mandatory Fair Use, with T. Aplin,(Cambridge: CUP, 2020) (to be translated into Chinese).
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, The Protection of Intellectual Property Rights under International Investment Law (with S. Klopschinski, and C. Gibson), OUP 2020 (Oxford International Arbitration Series).
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Protecting Intellectual Property through Trade and Investment Agreements: Concepts, Norm-setting, and Dispute Settlement", in C. Geiger (ed), Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Investment Law, Cheltenham (UK)/Northampton, MA (USA), Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020; University of Cambridge Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 14/2019. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3393645 .
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Intellectual Property and International Law", in Handbook on Intellectual Property Research (edited by I. Caboli and M.L. Montagnani), Oxford University Press, 2020. An early version is accessible as University of Cambridge Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 56/2018 at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3246900.
- L. Bently, "Whatever Became of Global Mandatory Fair Use?", with T. Aplin, in S. Frankel (ed) Intellectual Property and Functional Pluralism (Edward Elgar, 2019).
- L. Bently, "Displacing the Dominance of the Three-Step Test: The Role of Global, Mandatory Fair Use", with T. Aplin in W.L. Loy (ed) Comparative Aspects of Limitations and Exceptions in Copyright Law (CUP, 2019).
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "From TRIPS to FTAs and back: Re-conceptualising the Role of a Multilateral Intellectual Property Framework in a TRIPS-plus World", Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2017, (Springer, 2018), pp.57-107 – an earlier version is online at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3082718.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Creating, Sharing and Protecting Green Knowledge: Policy Space for ‘Green’ Technology Transfer under the WTO Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and TRIPs-Plus Commitments in Preferential Trade Agreements", in International Law Association (ILA), Committee on Sustainable Development and the Green Economy, Interim Report on Sustainable Development and the Green Economy in International Trade Law, International Law Association, Sydney (Australia) Conference 2018.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "The Principle of Integration in WTO/TRIPS Jurisprudence", in M-C. Cordonier Segger and C.G. Weeramantry (editors) Sustainable Development Principles in the Decisions of International Courts and Tribunals, 1992–2012, Routledge (2017), pp.398-424.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Handbook on Negotiating Development Oriented Intellectual Property Provisions in Trade and Investment Agreements" (with T. Puutio), United Nations, (November 2017).
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, The Protection of Intellectual Property in International Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016).
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Patentable Subject Matter under the TRIPS Agreement", together with R. Romandini, in B. Mercurio (eds.), Patent Law and Pharmaceutical Innovation (forthcoming, 2016).
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Intellectual Property and Trade in a Post-TRIPS Environment", forthcoming in H. Ullrich, R. Hilty, M. Lamping, and J. Drexl (eds.), TRIPS plus 20 - From Trade Rules to Market Principles, MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Volume 25, (Springer, 2016); Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 15-05 – online available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2610576.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "The Principle of Integration in WTO/TRIPS Disputes", in M Cordonier-Segger (Ed.), Sustainable Development Principles in the Decisions of International Courts and Tribunals 1992–2012, (Wildy & Sons, 2016).
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "The CARIFORUM – EU Economic Partnership Agreement", with C. Ononaiwu, in L Bartels and B Mercurio, Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements, Cambridge University Press (2016), pp.133-160.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Challenging Compliance with international Intellectual Property Norms in Investor-State Dispute Settlement", Journal of International Economic Law (JIEL), Special Issue on Intellectual Property and Investment Protection, Spring 2016, pp. 241-277.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "The Protection of Intellectual Property and International Investment Law", Guest Editorial for Special Issue on Intellectual Property and Investment Protection, Journal of International Economic Law Vol.19 No.1 (Spring 2016), pp.87-90.
- K. Liddell, "The Origins and Structure of the TRIPS Agreement", with W. Cornish, in H. Ullrich, R.M. Hilty, M. Lamping and J. Drexl (eds), TRIPS plus 20: From Trade Rules to Market Principle (Springer 2016) pp.3-51.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Investment Law and Intellectual Property Rights", in Bungenberg, Griebel, Hobe and Reinisch (eds.), International Investment Law (C H Beck, Hart & Nomos, 2015), pp. 1692-1714.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Intellectual Property Offences", in N. Boister R. Currie (eds.), Handbook on Transnational Criminal Law, (Routledge, 2015).
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "The Legal Framework for IP Enforcement: Border Measures", in P. Roffe and X. Seuba (eds.), The ACTA and the Plurilateral Enforcement Agenda (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), pp. 88-99.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Enough is Enough – The Notion of Binding Ceilings in International Intellectual Property Protection", together with Annette Kur, in A. Kur and M. Levin (Eds.) Intellectual Property Rights in a Fair World Trade System (Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, 2011) pp. 359-407 (reprinted in M. Krajewski and B. Mercurio, The Library of Essays on International Trade Law and Policy, (Ashgate 2014).
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Principles for Intellectual Property Provisions in Bilateral and Regional Agreements", European Intellectual Property Review (EIPR),(2014) 36 (4), pp.207-211.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Litigating Intellectual Property Rights in Investor-State Arbitration: From Plain Packaging to Patent Revocation" (July 8, 2014). Fourth Biennial Global Conference of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL) Working Paper No. 2014-21; Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 14-13; University of Cambridge Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 52/2014. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2463711.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Overlaps and Conflict Norms in Human Rights Law: Approaches of European Courts to Address Intersections with Intellectual Property Rights", in Ch. Geiger (ed.), Research Handbook on Human Rights and Intellectual Property (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2014), pp. 70-88; Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property & Competition Law Research Paper No. 13-18 – online available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=2356244 (18 November 2013).
- L. Bently, (General Editor) International Copyright Law and Practice (New York: Lexis Nexis, (annually updated)) 2013-2021, 2013 (with P. Geller), 2014-2019 (as sole General Editor), 2019-2021 (with B. Ong).
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, EU Bilateral Trade Agreements and Intellectual Property: For Better or Worse?, Co-editors J. Drexl and S. Nadde-Phlix, Springer (2013).
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Introducing the Principles for Intellectual Property Provisions in Bilateral and Regional Agreements", International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law (IIC), Volume 44, Issue 8 (2013), pp.873-877.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Principles for Intellectual Property Provisions in Bilateral and Regional Agreements", (together with J Drexl, R Hilty, G Dinwoodie, C Correa, P Roffe, X Seuba, S Frankel, A Kur, S Nadde Phlix, H Hestermeyer, T Jaeger, M Bakhoum, M Lamping, B Mercurio, P Yu, J De Beer) International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law (IIC), Volume 4, Issue 8 (2013), pp.878-883.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "A Conflict-of-Laws Approach to Competing Rationalities in International Law: The Case of Plain Packaging between IP, Trade, Investment and Health", Journal of Private International Law, Volume 9, No. 2, (2013) pp. 309-348.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "The International Legal Framework for the Protection of Utility Models", The WIPO Journal, (2013) 4, pp.175-190.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "The Role of TRIPS in a Fragmented IP World", International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law (2012) 43(8), pp.881-884.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Internationaler Investitionsschutz und geistiges Eigentum" (International Investment Law and Intellectual Property), in Zeitschrift für Geistiges Eigentum (Intellectual Property Journal), (2012) 4(1), pp.1-33 – translated (by Karin Grau-Kuntz) and reprinted in Revista Jurídica do Cesuca as “Proteção Internacional do Investimento e Propriedade Intelectual” (2013), pp.188-218 (online available at http://ojs.cesuca.edu.br/index.php/revistajuridica).
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Criminal Enforcement and International IP Law – from TRIPS to ACTA", in C. Geiger (ed.), Criminal Enforcement of Intellectual Property: a Blessing or a Curse? (Edward Elgar, 2012), pp.171-190.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Protecting Intellectual Property Under BITs, FTAs, and TRIPS: Conflicting Regimes or Mutual Coherence?", in C. Brown and K. Miles (eds.), Evolution in Investment Treaty Law and Arbitration ( Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011), pp. 485-515 - available on SSRN at http://ssrn.com/abstract=1757724.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Assessing the Need for a General Public Interest Exception in the TRIPS Agreement", in A. Kur and M. Levin (Eds.) Intellectual Property Rights in a Fair World Trade System (Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, 2011) pp.168-207.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "The Concept of Sustainable Development in International IP Law – New Approaches from EU Economic Partnership Agreements?" in A. Kur, V. Mizaras (Eds.), The Structure of Intellectual Property Law – Can One Size Fit All? (Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 2011) pp. 308-342.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Opinion of European Academics on ACTA", together with R. D’Erme, Ch. Geiger, C. Heinze, T. Jaeger, R. Matulionyte, A. Metzger, Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law (JIPITEC) (2011) 65 (2).
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "The International Law Relation Between TRIPS and Subsequent TRIPS-Plus Free Trade Agreements: Towards Safeguarding TRIPS Flexibilities?", Journal of Intellectual Property Law, (2011) 18(2), pp.327-365 – an earlier version is availabe on SSRN at http://ssrn.com/abstract=1849204.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "The (Non) Use of Treaty Object and Purpose in Intellectual Property Disputes in the WTO", Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property & Competition Law Research Paper No. 11-15, (September 28, 2011), pp.1-36 online available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1939859.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "A Trade Agreement Creating Barriers to International Trade? ACTA Border Measures and Goods in Transit", American University International Law Review (2011) 26(3), pp.645-726 and as Society of International Economic Law (SIEL), Second Biennial Global Conference paper, (July 8-10, 2010) available on SSRN at http://ssrn.com/abstract=1706567.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "The Role of Atypical Acts in EU External Trade and Intellectual Property Policy", together with T Jaeger and R Kordic, European Journal of International Law, (2010) 21(4), pp. 901-939.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "China – Intellectual Property Rights: Implications for Trips-Plus Border Measures", Journal of World Intellectual Property (2010) 13(5), pp. 620-638.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “Statement of the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law on the Review of EU Legislation on Customs Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights”, together with J. Drexl, R. Hilty, and T. Jaeger (May 28, 2010), International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Vol.41 No.6 (2010) pp.674-694 – published also as Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition & Tax Law Research Paper No. 10-08 - available on SSRN at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1622619.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "A Real Partnership for Development? Sustainable Development as Treaty Objective in European Economic Partnership Agreements and Beyond", Journal of International Economic Law (March 2010) 13(1), pp.139-180 – Oxford University Press, online available at http://jiel.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/jgp044?ijkey=yQv2Lzqxz3jSyyI&keytype=ref.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Tailoring IP protection for sustainable development: An examination of the CARIFORUM EPA", Trade Negotiations Insights • Volume 9 • Number 9 • November 2010 – online available at http://ictsd.org/i/news/tni/94176/.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “Time for a Paradigm Shift? Exploring Maximum Standards in International Intellectual Property Protection”, Journal Trade, Law and Development, Vol.1 No.1 (2009), pp.56-102, also available on SSRN at http://ssrn.com/abstract=1457416 – reprinted in: L. Helfer (Editor) Intellectual Property and Human Rights, Edward Elgar (2013) pp.503-549.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “Policy Space for Domestic Public Interests Measures under TRIPS”, South Centre Research Paper Series, No.22 (July 2009), pp.1-55, available on SSRN at http://ssrn.com/abstract=1542542.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Re-delineation of the Role of Stakeholders: IP Enforcement Beyond Exclusive Rights", in X. Li and C. Correa (Eds.) Intellectual Property Enforcement International Perspectives (Edward Elgar and South Centre, 2009) pp. 43-61; also available at SSRN as Max Planck Papers on Intellectual Property, Competition & Tax Law Research Paper No.09-09; http://ssrn.com/abstract=1445292.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “A Pirate of the Caribbean? The Attractions of Suspending TRIPS Obligations”, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.11 No.2 (2008), pp.313-364.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Proportionality and Balancing within the Objectives of Intellectual Property Protection", in P. Torremanns (Ed.) Intellectual Property and Human Rights (Kluwer Law International, 2008) pp. 161-194.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "The Role of Chairman’s Statements in the WTO", Journal of World Trade, (2007) 41(3), pp. 475-534.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “Der Europäische Investitionsschutz für Datenbanken vor dem Hintergrund Internationaler Abkommen” (The European Legal Protection of Investments in Databases in Relation to International Treaties on Intellectual Property and International Trade), Peter Lang International, Frankfurt a.M. (2004), pp.1-348.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Materielle Gegenseitigkeit bei Immaterialgüterrechten gegenüber internationalem Handelsrecht – Zum Rechtsschutz amerikanischer Datenbankhersteller in der EU" (Reciprocal protection of Intellectual Property Rights versus the Obligations under International Trade Law), Archiv für Urheber und Medienrecht (UFITA – Journal on Copyright and Media Law), (2004) No. III, pp.859-900.
- L. Bently, "Great Britain and the Signing of the Berne Convention in 1886", with B. Sherman, (2001) 48 Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA pp.311-340.
- H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Electronic Agents and the Legal Protection of Non-creative Databases", International Journal of Law and Information Technology – Special Issue on Electronic Agents, (2001) 9(3), pp. 295-32.