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Audio recordings of most of these events are available on Captivate (and most popular podcast apps) or Apple Podcasts/iTunes.

Easter Term





2 May 2013

Yahong Li
Associate Professor and Deputy Head at the Department of Law, University of Hong Kong

"Changes in Chinese Patent Law and the Impact on Innovation in China"



2 May 2013

Justin Turner QC
Barrister, 3 New Square

"Do We Need Patents for Embryonic Stem Cells?"



9 May 2013

Christopher Marsden 
Professor of Law, University of Sussex

Ian Brown
Senior Research Fellow, Oxford University’s Oxford Internet Institute

"Regulating Code: Good Governance and Better Regulation in the Information Age"



21 May 2013

Rajeev Sachdev 
Ph.D researcher at Maastricht University

"Towards an Improved Legal Framework for Trademarks and Copyrights in Social Media and Mobile Apps: Web 2.0 Legal Lessons from the Silicon Valley"



30 May 2013

Tim Wu 
Isidor and Seville Sulzbacher Professor of Law, Columbia Law School

"Net Neutrality and Freedom of Speech"



Lent Term





14 February 2013

Graeme Dinwoodie
Professor of Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law, University of Oxford

"Mapping Marks and Markets: the Unitary Nature of the CTM"


21 February 2013

Orit Fischman Afori
Associate Professor, The Haim Striks School of Law, College of Management Academic Studies, Israel

"Fair Use Best Practices for Higher Education Institutions: The Israeli Experience"

Not recorded

28 February 2013

Paul Heald
University of Illinois School of Law

"Do Bad Things Happen When Works Enter the Public Domain? Empirical Tests of Copyright Term Extension"


Michaelmas Term





15 November 2012

Amelia Andersdotter
Member of the European Parliament for the Pirate Party in Sweden

Benjamin White
Head of Intellectual Property, the British Library

"Pirates, Libraries and the Quest for Copyright Reform"


30 November 2012

Petroula Vantsiouri
Doctoral Candidate, University of Cambridge

"The Justifications Behind the Legal Protection of Self-help Mechanisms"


For further information about the seminars, please email: