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  • M. Aboy, "Ten Principles for Responsible Quantum Innovation", with M. Kop, E. De Jong, U. Gasser, T. Minssen, and I.G. Cohen, Quantum Science and Technology 9 (3), 035013
  • M. Aboy, "Towards Responsible Quantum Technology: Safeguarding, Engaging and Advancing Quantum R&D", with M. Kop, E. De Jong, U. Gasser, T. Minssen, and I.G. Cohen, UC L. Sci. & Tech. J. 15, 63
  • P. Mysoor, “Duty of Good faith”, with M. Kumar, in Foundations of Indian Contract Law edited by K.V. Krishnaprasad, S. Swaminathan, U. Varottil, and V. Niranjan (OUP, 2024) (forthcoming).


  • J. Davis, “What's in a Name? Linguistic and Legal Aspects of Company Names, Product and Service Names, Trademarks, and Brands”, with A. Durant, in I.M. Nick, Names, Naming, and the Law: Onomastics, Identity, Power, and Policy (Routledge, 2023).
  • P. Mysoor, “The Jurisdiction of Implying by Law”, Obligations X Conference organised by Faculty of law, Western University in Banff (July 2023).


  • M. Aboy, "Repositioning Generic Drugs: Empirical Findings and Policy Implications", with J. Liddicoat, K. Liddell, J. Darrow, M. Jordan, C. Crespo, and T, Minssen, IIC-International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 53 (9)


  • L. Bently, "The Past, Present and Future of the Cambridge Law Journal", [2021] CLJ (special issue).
  • J. Davis, “Directions in Intellectual Property Research: A Linguistic Contribution”, with A.Durant, in I. Calboli and M.L. Montagnani, Handbook on Intellectual Property Research (Oxford University Press, 2021).
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Intellectual Property Issues Affecting the Environment in PTAs", in Trade and Environmental Law (edited by P. Delimatsis and L. Reins), Chapter XI.59 (Elgar Encyclopaedia of Environmental Law Series – Edward Elgar, 2021).


  • M. Aboy, "Regulatory Responses to Medical Machine Learning", with T. Minssen, S. Gerke, N. Price, and G. Cohen, Journal of Law and the Biosciences 7 (1), lsaa002


  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "The Private International Law of Access and Benefit-Sharing Contracts", in C. Correa and X. Seuba (Editors), Intellectual Property and Development: Understanding the Interfaces (Liber Amicorum for Pedro Roffe), Springer (2019), 315-376 – an earlier version is online at:


  • J. Davis, Contributor, "Keywords for Today: 21st Century Vocabulary", C. MacCabe (ed), H. Janacek and the Keywords Project (Oxford: OUP, 2018).
  • J. Davis, "Linguistic Analysis in Trade Mark Law: Current Approaches and New Challenges", with A. Durant, in J. Visconti (ed), Handbook of Communication in the Legal Sphere (Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Mouton, 2018), pp. 287-320.
  • K. Liddell, "Open Innovation with Large Bioresources: Goals, Challenges and Proposals", with J. Liddicoat, (2017) University of Cambridge Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 6/2017 Available at SSRN: <> accessed 11 December 2018.


  • J. Davis, "HAVE A BREAK and the Changing Demands of Trade Mark Registration", with A. Durant, Q.M.J.I.P. 2015, 5(2), pp. 132-156.


  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Overlaps and Conflict Norms in Human Rights Law: Approaches of European Courts to Address Intersections with Intellectual Property Rights", in C.H. Geiger (ed), Research Handbook on Human Rights and Intellectual Property, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar (2014), pp.70-88; Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property & Competition Law Research Paper No. 13-18 – online available at .


  • J. Davis, "Country Reports: United Kingdom", in F. Henning-Bodewig, International Handbook on Unfair Competition, Munich: Verlag C. H. Beck, 2013.
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “The Impact of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement on the Legal Framework for IP Enforcement in the European Union”, with R. D’Erme, C.H. Geiger, C. Heinze, T. Jaeger, R. Matulionyte, and A. Metzger, in C.H. Geiger (editor) Constructing European Intellectual Property Law, Edward Elgar, (2013) pp.394-408.


  • L. Bently, "Prince Albert v Strange (1849)'"in C. Mitchell and P. Mirchell, Landmark Cases on Equity (Oxford: Hart, 2012) pp. 235-267.


  • L. Bently, "The Extraordinary Multiplicity of Intellectual Property Laws in the British Colonies in the Nineteenth Century" (2011) 12 Theoretical Inquiries in Law, pp. 160-200.
  • J. Davis, "To Protect or Not to Protect? The Eligibility of Commercially Used Short Verbal Texts for Copyright and Trade Mark Protection" 4 (2011) Intellectual Property Quarterly, 354.
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “Opinion of European Academics on ACTA”, together with R. D’Erme, Ch. Geiger, C. Heinze, T. Jaeger, R. Matulionyte, A. Metzger, Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law (JIPITEC) Vol. 2, 65 (2011).
  • H. Grosse Ruse=Khan, “The Concept of Sustainable Development in International IP Law - New Approaches from EU Economic Partnership Agreements?" in A. Kur, V. Mizaras (Editors), The Structure of Intellectual Property Law – Can One Size Fit All?, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, (2011) pp.308-342.


  • L. Bently, "Identity and the Law", in G. walker and E. Leedham-Green (eds.) Identity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010).
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Nutzergenerierte Inhalte als Gegenstand des Privatrechts – Aktuelle Probleme des Web 2.0" (user-generated content and private law) co-editors N. Klass and S. von Lewinski, Springer (2010)
    Articles in Academic Journals.
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “The Role of Atypical Acts in EU External Trade and Intellectual Property Policy” together with T. Jaeger and R. Kordic, European Journal of International Law, Vol. 21 No.4 (2010), pp. 901-939.
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “A Real Partnership for Development? Sustainable Development as Treaty Objective in European Economic Partnership Agreements and Beyond”, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol. 13 No.1 (March 2010), pp.139-180.
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Tailoring IP Protection for Sustainable Development: An Examination of the CARIFORUM EPA", Trade Negotiations Insights, Volume 9, Number 9, November 2010, pp.10-11, available online at:
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “'Gambling’ with Sovereignty: Complying with International Obligations or Upholding National Autonomy” in S. Frankel, M. Kolsky Lewis (Editors) International Economic Law and National Autonomy, Cambridge University Press (2010), pp.141-166.
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “Sustainable Development in International Intellectual Property Law – New Approaches from EU Economic Partnership Agreements?” Research Paper for the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), October 2010 – online available at .
  • K. Liddell, "The Health Impact Fund: A Critique", in T. Pogge, M. Rimmer and K. Rubenstein, Incentives for Global Health (Cambridge University Press 2010).


  • L. Bently, "R. v The Author: From Death Penalty to Community Service", (2008) 32 Columbia Journal of Law and the Arts, pp. 1-109.
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “A Comparative Analysis of Policy Space in WTO Law” (November 26, 2008) Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition & Tax Law Research Paper No. 08-02, pp.1-68 [also available on:
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "The European Draft Common Frame of Reference – a Source of Comparative Law; a new Option for Choosing the Applicable Law; or a Template for a European Civil Code?" in ISCOM Conference Proceedings, International Seminar on Comparative Laws – Towards Interaction and Convergence of Legal Systems, (2008) Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), pp.1-20, 21 pages – online available at:
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “Suspending IP Obligations under TRIPS: A Viable Alternative to Enforce Prevailing WTO Rulings?” WTO Dispute Settlement Policy Paper, published by the Centre for International Environmental Law (CIEL), (2008) Geneva (Switzerland), pp.1-15, available at and on SSRN


  • J. Davis, "Unfair Competition Law in the United Kingdom", in R. Hilty and F. Henning-Bodewig (eds.) The Law Against Unfair Competition: Towards a Paradigm in Europe, Springer, 2007 pp. 183-193.
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “The Role of Chairman’s Statements in the WTO”, Journal of World Trade, Vol.41 No.3 (2007), pp.475-534 – Kluwer Law International.


  • L. Bently, "Commentary on EC Directive on Legal Protection of Computer Programs", in T. Dreier and B. Hugenholtz, Concise European Copyright Law (Hague: Kluwer, 2006), pp. 211-238.


  • K. Liddell, "Beyond Bristol and Alder Hey: The Future Regulation of Human Tissue", with A. Hall, (2005) Medical Law Review (2005).
  • K. Liddell, "Emerging Regulatory Issues for Human Stem Cell Medicine", with S. Wallace, (2005) 1(1) Genomics, Society and Policy 54.
  • K. Liddell, "Legal Boundaries: Fencing in the Fog", chapter in M. McDonald, Languages of Accountability for Biotechnology (2005, Berghahn, Oxford).


  • K. Liddell, "Legislation and Research in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine", with D. K. Menon, (2004) Journal of the Intensive Care Society 98.
  • K. Liddell, "The Human Tissue Bill and the Mental Capacity Bill", with D. K. Menon and R. Zimmern, (2004) 328 British Medical Journal 1510.


  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “Immaterialgüter-, Wettbewerbs- und Verbraucherschutz- Kollisionsrecht sowie gerichtliche Zuständigkeit bei Internet-Sachverhalten", (Intellectual Property- Unfair Competition - and Consumer Protection Choice of Law Rules and Jurisdiction of Courts on the Internet), with T. Hoeren, in M. Lehmann (Editor), Electronic Business in Europa, Beck Verlag, (2002) pp.301-334.
  • K. Liddell, "Just Genetic Discrimination? The Ethics of Australian Law Reform Proposals", (2002) 25(2) University of New South Wales Law Journal 160.


  • K. Liddell, "Purposive Interpretation and the March of Genetic Technology. A comment on R (Quintavalle) v Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (cell nuclear replacement)",  [2003] 2 W.L.R. 692’ [2003] 62 Cambridge Law Journal 563.


  • K. Liddell, Litigation: "Effects on Medical Research" in N.J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (eds) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioural Sciences (Pergamon Oxford 2001) p 8995-8999.


  • L. Bently, Law and the Senses: Sensational Jurisprudence, with L. Flynn (eds.), (London: Pluto, 1996). (Introduction by L. Bently).