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  • European Data Protection Regulation, Journalism, and Traditional Publishers: Balancing on a Tightrope? Oxford: Oxford University Press (2019) pp.480
  • Delegating Rights Protection: The Rise of Bills of Rights in the Westminster World, (2010, Oxford University Press) pp.270

Journal Articles

  • “The Brexit Isles’ Alter Ego? Revisiting Ireland’s Exit from the Commonwealth 1948-49 in light of the UK’s Exit from the EU 2016-20”, Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History (2024)
  • “Palestine and the Modern Commonwealth: Past Engagements and Future Membership?” Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs Vol. 113(3), pp. 217-234 (2024)
  • "Comparing Constitutional Privacy and Data Protection Rights within the EU" European Law Review Vol 47(4), pp. 482-513 (2022)
  • "Identification in EU Data Protection Law: Authenticating Another Broad Concept in EU Data Protection Law" Computer Law and Security Review Vol. 47 (2022)
  • "The UK and the EU Personal Data Framework after Brexit: A New Trade and Cooperation Partnership based on Council of Europe Convention 108+?" , Computer Law and Security Review Vol. 44 (2022)
  • “Special, Personal and Broad Expression: Exploring Freedom of Expression Norms under the General Data Protection Regulation” Yearbook of European Law, Vol.. 40, pp. 398-430 (2021)
  • "The ʻRight to be Forgottenʼ Beyond the EU: An Analysis of Wider G20 Regulatory Action and Potential Next Steps”, Journal of Media Law, Vol. 13(1), pp. 1-35 (2021)
  • "Dead Ringers?  Legal Persons and the Deceased in European Data Protection Law", Computer Law and Security Review, Vol. 40 (2021)
  • “The ʻRight to be Forgottenʼ Online within G20 Statutory Data Protection Frameworks” (with Krysztof Garstka), International Data Privacy Law, Vol. 10(4), pp. 294-313 (2020)
  • "Disclosure, Exposure and the ʻRight to be Forgottenʼ after Google Spain: Interrogating Google Search’s webmaster, end user and Lumen notification practices”, Computer Law and Security Review, Vol. 38 (2020)
  • Intermediary Publishers and European data protection: Delimiting the ambit of responsibility for third-party rights through a synthetic interpretation of the EU acquis”, International Journal of Law and Information Technology, Vol. 26(3), pp. 189-225 (2018)
  • Beyond ʻHaving a Domesticʼ?  Regulatory Interpretation of European Data Protection Law and Individual Publication”, Computer Law and Security Review, Vol. 33(3), pp. 275-297 (2017)
  • “Statutory Regulation of Professional Journalism Under European Data Protection:  Down But Not Out?”, Journal of Media Law, Vol. 8 (2), pp. 229-265 (2016)
  • “European Data Protection Regulation and Online New Media:  Mind the Enforcement Gaps”, Journal of Law and Society, Vol. 43 (4), pp. 534-64 (2016)
  • “European Regulatory Interpretation of the Interface between Data Protection and Traditional Journalism:  An Incomplete and Imperfect Balancing Act?”, Public Law, Issue 4, pp. 631-650 (2016) 
  • "European Data Protection and Media Expression: Fundamentally Off Balance" International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 65 (1), pp. 139-183 (2016)
  • "Data Protection Confronts Freedom of Expression on the ʻNew Mediaʼ Internet: The Stance of European Regulatory Authorities"European Law Review, Vol. 40 (4), pp. 531-562 (2015)
  • "From the Scylla of Restriction to the Charybdis of Licence? Exploring the scope of the "special purposes" freedom of expression shield in European data protection", Common Market Law Review, Vol. 52 (1), pp. 119-153 (2015)
  • "Data Protection and the Right to Reputation: Filling the "Gaps" After the Defamation Act 2013", Cambridge Law Journal, Vol. 73 (3), pp. 536-569 (2014)
  • "Freedom of Expression Turned On Its Head: Academic Social Research and Journalism in the European Union’s Privacy Framework"Public Law, Issue 1, pp. 52-73 (2013)
  • "The Rudd Government’s Rejection of an Australian Bill of Rights: A Stunted Case of Aversive Constitutionalism?", Parliamentary Affairs, Vol. 65 (2), pp. 359-379 (2012)
  • "Constructing the Labyrinth: The impact of data protection on the development of ‘ethical’ regulation in social science", Information Communication and Society, Vol. 15 (1), pp. 104-123 (2012)
  • "Systematically Handicapped? Social Research in the Data Protection Framework", Information and Communications Technology Law, Vol. 20 (2), pp. 83-101 (2011)
  • "Stuck in the Thicket? Social Research under the First Data Protection Principle", International Journal of Law and Information Technology, Vol. 19 (2), pp. 133-152 (2011)
  • "Smoke but No Fire? The Politics of a ‘British’ Bill of Rights", Political Quarterly, Vol. 81 (2), pp. 188-198 (2010)
  • "Postmaterialist Social Constituencies and Political Triggers: Explaining Bill of Rights Genesis in Internally Stable, Advanced Democracies", Political Research Quarterly, Vol. 64 (4), pp. 798-810 (2009)
  • "Charter 88, Democratic Constitutionalism and Europeanisation –Ambiguous Relationships", Parliamentary Affairs, Vol. 64 (4), pp. 580-599 (2009)
  • "Ideology, Power Orientation and Policy Drag: Explaining the Elite Politics of Britain’s Bill of Rights debate", Government and Opposition, Vol. 44(1), pp. 20-41 (2009)
  • "Judicial Culture and the Politico-legal Opportunity structure: Explaining Bill of Rights Legal Impact in New Zealand", Law and Social Inquiry, Vol. 34 (1), pp. 95-127 (2009)
  • "Elite Supply ‘Blockages’ and the Failure of National Bill of Rights Initiatives in Australia: a Comparative Westminster Analysis", Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, Vol. 46(3), pp. 341-364 (2008)
  • "Aversive Constitutionalism in the Westminster World: the genesis of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act (1990)", International Journal of Constitutional Law, Vol. 5(2), pp. 343-369) (2007)

Case Notes

  • “An Accurate Thumbnail of European Data Protection and Search Engine Indexing?”, Cambridge Law Journal (Vol. 82(2), pp. 232-235) (2023)
  • “The UK GDPR, the Immigration Exception and Brexit: Interrogating Open Rights Group v Secretary of State for the Home Department and its Aftermath”, Modern Law Review (Vol. 86(3), pp. 785-800) (2023)
  • “Search Engines, Global Internet Publication and European Data Protection: A New Via Media?”, Cambridge Law Journal (Vol. 79(1), pp. 24-27) (2020).
  • "Serious Harm to Reputation Rights?  Defamation in the Supreme Court", Cambridge Law Journal (Vol. 78(3), pp. 510-513) (2019)
  • "European Data Protection and Freedom of Expression after Buivids: An Increasingly Significant Tension", Communications Law (Vol. 24(2), pp. 82-85) (2019)
  • "Privacy and the Prince – A Government of Laws Not Men?", Law Quarterly Review, Issue 129, pp. 172-176 (2013)

Edited Volumes

  • European Data Protection Laws & Freedom of Expression and Information, Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law (2021/n.d.) (an online resource comprising 32 national reports alongside an overview report, all of which are updateable)
  • Charter 88 and the Constitutional Reform Movement: Twenty Years On (Published as Special Issue of Parliamentary Affairs Vol. 65(4) (2009))

Book Chapters and Other Select Publications

  • "Reformulating Fundamental Rights and Freedoms in UK Data Protection Law", Inforrm Blog (17 October 2023)
  • “Leave to Remain? Data Protection’s ‘Immigration Exemption’ Returns to Court”, U.K. Constitutional Law Blog (17 April 2023) 
  • “UK Regulatory Enforcement of Data Protection: Current Concerns and Pathways to a More Effective Framework”, Oxford Business Law Blog (March 2023)
  • “Google Spain, Google Inc. v Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD) (2014)” in Peter Coe and Paul Wragg (eds.), Landmark Cases in Privacy Law (Hart, 2023)
  • “What Way Forward on Information Rights Regulation? – The UK Information Commissioner’s Office Consults on a New Policy and New Statutory Guidance”, Communications Law (Vol. 27(2), pp. 84-86) (2022)
  • “The CJEU Delves into Purpose and Storage Limitation in Digi Stressing an Expectation of a Concrete Link Between Purposes and a Granular Necessity of Processing”, European Data Protection Law Review (Vol. 8(4), pp. 544-547) (2022)
  • “The ICO’s Draft Data Protection and Journalism Code: A First Look”, Inforrm Blog (Part One & Part Two) (October 2021)
  • Data Protection after Brexit:  A New Switzerland?", UK in a Changing Europe (January 2021)
  • "Ensuring Legal Accountability of the UK Data Protection Authority: From Cause for Data Subject Complaint to a Model for Europe?”, European Data Protection Law Review (Vol. 5(3), pp. 444-454) (2020)
  • “Acontextual and Ineffective? Reviewing the GDPR Two Years On”, Inforrm Blog (May 2020)
  • “Information blackout at the Council of Europe?” Open Democracy (cross-posted on Inforrm Blog) (February 2018)
  • “Leveson, the Data Protection Bill and the ICO’s procedural powers in relation to Journalism”, Inforrm Blog (January 2018)
  • “Unlikely to be Forgotten:  Assessing the Implementation of Google Spain in the UK Three Years On”, Blog Droit Europe (May 2017) (also published in slightly revised form as a chapter in an e-book edited by Tambou and Bourton, 2018)
  • "Hiding in Plain Sight: Right to be Forgotten and Search Engines in the Context of International Data Protection Frameworks" in Luca Belli and Nicolas Zingales (eds.), Platform Regulations: How Platforms Are Regulated and How They Regulate Us (FGV Direito Rio, 2017), pp. 127-147 (with Krzysztof Garstka as first author). 
  • “Communicating Responsibilities:  The Spanish DPA targets Google’s Notification Practices when Delisting Personal Information”, Inforrm blog (cross-posted on the Information Law and Policy Centre blog) (March 2017)
  • “Mind the Gap: is Data Protection catching up with Google Search?” Open Democracy (cross-posted on UK Constitutional Law and Inforrm blogs) (May 2014)
  • "Mustn’t ask, mustn’t tell", Times Higher Education (14-20 February 2013 Issue, p. 30)
  • "New Zealand" in Denis Galligan & Mila Versteeg, The Social and Political Foundations of Constitutions (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) (2013)
  • "Ethical Privacy Guidelines for Mobile Connectivity Measurements", with B. Zevenbergen, I. Brown, J. Wright, and D. Erdos, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford (2013)
  • “The Tension between Data Protection and Freedom of Expression”, Free Speech Debate (2012) 
  • "Towards a Policy Convergence on Privacy in the Web 2.0 Era?", Privacy Law and Business (International Edition) No. 108 (December, 2010)
  • "Questions of Tolerance and Fairness" in Harry Hirsch (ed.), The Future of Gay Rights In America (pp. 15-35) (New York; London: Routledge, 2005)

Book Reviews

  • Harbinja, Digital Death, Digital Assets and Post-Mortem Privacy (Edinburgh) International Journal of Law and Information Technology, Vol. 31(4), pp. 413-414 (2023)
  • Fuster, The Emergence of Personal Data as a Fundamental Right of the EU (Springer) Cambridge Law Journal, Vol. 74(2), pp. 374-5 (2015)
  • Parkinson, Bills of Rights and Decolonization: The Emergence of Domestic Human Rights Instruments in Britain's Overseas Territories (Oxford University Press) Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal, Vol. 8 (1), pp. 129-132 (2008)
  • Wicks, The Evolution of a Constitution: Eight key moments in British Constitutional History (Hart Publishing) Law & Politics Book Review, Vol. 17 (1), pp.48-50) (2007)
  • Greene, The Courts (UBC Press) Law & Politics Book Review, Vol. 16 (9), pp. 679-681 (2006)