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Books, Book Chapters and Articles

  • “What's in a Name? Linguistic and Legal Aspects of Company Names, Product and Service Names, Trademarks, and Brands”, with A. Durant, in I.M. Nick, Names, Naming, and the Law:  Onomastics, Identity, Power, and Policy (Routledge, 2023)
  • “Bad Faith, Public Policy and Morality: How Open Concepts Shape Trade Mark Protection”, with L. Zelechowski, (2023) IIC, 859  
  • Intellectual Property: Text, Cases and Materials 4th Edition, with T. Aplin, (Oxford University Press, 2022) 
  • “Directions in Intellectual Property Research: A Linguistic Contribution”, with A.Durant, in I. Calboli and M.L. Montagnani, Handbook on Intellectual Property Research (Oxford University Press, 2021)
  • “Exiling the Unwary Consumer from Unregistered Trade Mark Law in the UK: The Case for Change” in G.B.Dinwoodie and M. D. Janis, Research Handbook on Trade Mark Reform (Edward Elgar, 2021)
  • "Limitations to Trademark Protection as Defences to Infringement", in I. Calboli and J. Ginsburg, The Cambridge Handbook of International and Comparative Trademark Law (Cambridge University Press, 2020)
  • "The Role of Confusion in Unfair Competition Law: A Comparative Perspective", in S. Frankel (ed.), Is Intellectual Property Pluralism Functional? (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2019)
  • Contributor), "Keywords for Today: 21st Century Vocabulary", C. MacCabe (ed), H. Janacek and the Keywords Project (Oxford: OUP, 2018)
  • "Linguistic Analysis in Trade Mark Law: Current Approaches and New Challenges", with A. Durant, in J. Visconti (ed), Handbook of Communication in the Legal Sphere (Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Mouton, 2018), pp. 287-320
  • Intellectual Property: Text, Cases and Materials, with T.Aplin, (3rd edition) (Oxford:OUP, 2017) 
  • "HAVE A BREAK and the Changing Demands of Trade Mark Registration", with A. Durant,  Q.M.J.I.P. 2015, 5(2), pp. 132-156
  • "Revisiting the Average Consumer: An Uncertain Presence in European Trade Mark Law", (2015) Intellectual Property Quarterly, 15
  • "The 'Exhaustion Approach' to Trade Mark Protection: A Parallel Universe or a Better Way?", (2014) Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice
  • "Promoting the Public Interest and the European Trade Mark Directive: A Contradictory Approach", (2013) Journal of the Academy of European Law, 14, pp. 117-129
  • "Country Reports: United Kingdom", in F. Henning-Bodewig, International Handbook on Unfair Competition Munich: Verlag C. H. Beck, 2013
  • Intellectual Property Law, 4th Edition, Butterworths Core Text Series, 2012
  • "To Protect or Not to Protect? The Eligibility of Commercially Used Short Verbal Texts for Copyright and Trade Mark Protection" 4 [2011] Intellectual Property Quarterly, 354
  • "Passing Off and Joint Liability: The Rise and Fall of 'Instruments of Deception", (2011) 4 European Intellectual Property Review, 33, pp. 204-10
  • Copyright and Piracy: An Interdisciplinary Critique (ed. with L. Bently and J. Ginsburg) Cambridge University Press, 2010
  • "Why the United Kingdom Should Have a Law Against Misappropriation", (2010) Cambridge Law Journal, 69, pp. 561-582
  • "Of Plots, Puddings and Draught Excluders: the Law as it Applies to the Infringement of Computer Programs", in Bently, et al., Copyright and Piracy Cambridge University Press, 2010 pp. 230-245
  • "Trade Marks, Brands and Competition", (with S. Maniatis) in T. da Silva Lopes and D. Duguid (eds.) Trademarks, Brands and Competitiveness Routledge, 2010
  • Intellectual Property: Cases and Materials, (ed.) with T. Aplin,  Oxford University Press, 2009
  • Trade Marks and Brands: An Interdisciplinary Critique, (ed.) with L. Bently and J. Ginsburg, Cambridge University Press, 2008
  • "Between a Sign and a Brand: Mapping the Boundaries of a Registered Trade Mark in European Trade Mark Law", in L. Bently, J. Ginsburg and J. Davis (eds.), Trade Marks and Brands: An Interdisciplinary Critique Cambridge University Press, 2008 pp.65-91
  • "Protecting the Common: Delineating a Public Domain in Trade Mark Law", in G. Dinwoodie and M. Janis (eds.) Trade Mark Law and Theory: A Handbook of Contemporary Research Edward Elgar Press, 2008 pp. 345-367
  • "Fame and its Exploitation: the Legal Protection of Celebrity in the United Kingdom", in B. Bogusz, A. Cygan and E. Szyszczak (eds.) Sports Law Edward Elgar Press, 2007 pp. 181-205
  • "Unfair Competition Law in the United Kingdom", in R. Hilty and F. Henning-Bodewig (eds.) The Law Against Unfair Competition: Towards a Paradigm in Europe Springer, 2007 pp. 183-193
  • "The Value of Trade Marks: Economic Assets and Cultural Icons", in Y. Gendreau (ed.) Intellectual Property: Bridging Aesthetics and Economics Themis, University of Montreal, 2006 pp. 97-123
  • "Locating the Average Consumer: His Judicial Origins, Intellectual 'Influences and Current Role in European Trade Mark Law", (2005) 2 Intellectual Property Quarterly, 183
  • "The Need to Leave Free for Others to Use and the Trade Mark Common", in J. Phillips and I. Simon (eds.) Trade Mark Use: Essays in the Concept of Use in Relation to Trade Mark Law Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005 p. 31
  • "A European Constitution for IPRs? Competition, Trade Marks and Culturally Significant Signs", 4 (2004) Common Market Law Review, 44
  • "To Protect or Serve? European Trade Mark Law and the Decline of the Public Interest", (2003) 4 European Intellectual Property Review, 180
  • "European Trade Mark Law and the Enclosure of the Commons", (2002) 4 Intellectual Property Quarterly, 342

Case Notes and Reviews

  • “'Fack Ju Gohte': or when is a trade mark offensive” (2020) Cambridge Law Journal (2020) 79(2), pp. 234-237
  • Graeme B. Dinwoodie (ed), Intellectual Property and General Legal Principles: is IP a Lex Specialis? EIPR (2016), 38(10), 653-654 
  • "The Continuing Importance of Local Goodwill in Passing Off", Case Comment, Cambridge Law Journal 2015, 74(3) pp. 419-422.
  • "Intellectual Property, Unfair Competition and Publicity: Convergences and Development", Publication Review, IIC 2015, 46(4) pp. 501-504.
  • "ROBERT SPOO. Without Copyrights: Piracy, Publishing, and the Public Domain", The American Historical Review (2014) 119 (3) pp. 917-918.
  • "Relocating the Law of Geographical Indications", Publication Review, Cambridge Law Journal 2013, 72(1), 230-232
  • "The Breach of the “Euro Defence” to Trade Mark Infringement", Case Comment, Cambridge Law Journal, 2013, 72(1), 31-34
  • "Driving Innovation: Intellectual Property Strategies for a Dynamic World" by Michael A. Gollin, Book Review, Cambridge Law Journal, vol. 68, issue 03, November 2009, pp. 667-669
  • "The ECJ Considers Trade Mark Dilution", in Cambridge Law Journal, vol. 68, issue 02, July 2009, pp. 290-292
  • "Unfair Competition Law: The European Union and Member States" by Frauke Henning-Bodewig, Book Review, European Intellectual Property Review, July 2007
  • "'The Baby-Dry' Case: The Modernisation of Trade Marks?", Case Note, Cambridge Law Journal, (2002) 1
  • "The Legal Aspects of the Community Trade Mark" by Eric Gastinel and Mark Milford, Book Review, European Law Review, February 2002
  • "The King is Dead, Long Live the King", Case Note, Cambridge Law Journal, (2002) 1
  • "Trade Marks in Theory and Practice" by C.D.G. Pickering, Book Review, Cambridge Law Journal, (1999) 1
  • "Silhouette and the Limits of Free Trade", Case Note, Cambridge Law Journal, (1998) 3
  • "How the Trade Marks Act Shapes Up to Perpetual Monopolies", Case Note, Cambridge Law Journal, (1998) 2
  • "The Value of a Reputation", Case Note, Cambridge Law Journal, (1998) 1
  • "First Principles or Old Principles? The English Courts and the 1994 Trade Marks Act", Cambridge Law Journal, Case Note, (1996) 3


  • "Unfair Competition", April 2011, London School of Economics, LLM Programme
  • "Passing Off and Misappropriation", March 2010, University of Leeds, LLM Programme
  • "Trade Marks and Instruments of Fraud, Widening the Net: Contributory Liability for Facilitating, Authorising and Inducing Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights", March 2010
  • "Recent Trends in the Case Law of the European Courts: Latest Developments and Prospects for the Future, Trade Mark Law", December 2009, EIPA, Luxembourg