Overview: The Herchel Smith Visitor scheme, operated by CIPIL, allows us to pay up to £7500 each for the travel and accommodation expenses of two visiting fellows per year working in intellectual property or information law. This amount would typically cover an economy flight and accommodation in Cambridge for around a month.
Process: Expressions of interest are welcome all year round and should be sent to the CIPIL Directors, but decisions fall to the CIPIL Management Committee in January and May. Applicants are asked to identify (i) when they hope to visit (preference will be given to those who intend to come during the academic year, and particularly during teaching time); (ii) what they are intending to work on and (iii) to agree that they would offer a seminar. Occasionally, visiting fellows will be asked to contribute up to 10 hours of teaching. The personal data provided and/or processed will be used to manage, monitor and improve the Vistors’ Programme in furtherance of the University’s public interest tasks and will be retained for as long as reasonably necessary for such purposes. Further relevant data protection information is available here.
Previous Fellows
Professor Ruth L. Okediji (Harvard): April - May/October 2024
Professor Herbert Zech (Humboldt): August - September 2022/June 2023
Professor Graham Greenleaf (UNSW): September - October 2019
Professor Annette Kur (MPI): February - March 2019
Professor Robert W. Gomulkiewicz (Washington): October - November 2018
Professor Bernt Hugenholtz (Amsterdam): February - March 2018
Professor Kathy Bowrey (UNSW): January - February 2017
Professor Jane Ginsburg (Columbia): November 2015
Professor Paul Heald (Illinois): 2012