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  • M. Aboy, "Evidence-Based IP Research", with L.C. Druedahl, and T. Minssen, Research Handbook on Empirical Studies in Intellectual Property Law, 120-136
  • M. Aboy, "Mapping the Patent Landscape of Medical Machine Learning", with W.N. Price, and S. Raker, Nature Biotechnology 41 (4), 461-468
  • L. Bently, "Patents and Trade Secrets", with T. Aplin, in N. Wilkof and I. Calboli, Overlapping Intellectual Property Rights (2d ed, 2023).


  • M. Aboy, "Intellectual Property in Quantum Computing and Market Power: A Theoretical Discussion and Empirical Analysis", with M. Kop, and T. Minssen, Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 17 (8), 613-628
  • M. Aboy, "Patent Eligibility and Precision Medicine: Emerging Technologies, Legal Flux and Empirical Methods", with A. Sagar, K. Liddell, and J. Liddicoat, Patenting Biotechnical Innovation, 19-42
  • M. Aboy, "Mapping the Patent Landscape of Quantum Technologies: Patenting Trends, Innovation and Policy Implications", with T. Minssen, and M. Kop, IIC-International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 53 (6)
  • M. Aboy, "European Patent Protection for Medical uses of Known Products and Drug Repurposing", with K. Liddell, M. Jordan, C. Crespo, and J. Liddicoat, Nature Biotechnology 40 (4), 465-471
  • L. Bently, "Injunctive Relief in United Kingdom Patent Law", with Lord Justice Richard Arnold,  in J. Contreras and M. Husovec, Patent Injunctions (Cambridge, 2022) Ch 11.
  • K. Liddell, "European Patent Protection for Medical uses of Known Products and Drug Repurposing", with M. Aboy, M. Jordan, C. Crespo, and J. Liddicoat, (2022) 40(4) Nature Biotechnology pp.465-471.
  • K. Liddell, "Patent Eligibility and Precision Medicine: Emerging Technologies, Legal Flux and Empirical Methods", with A. Sagar, J. Liddicoat and M. Aboy, in N Hawkins (ed) Patenting Biotechnical Innovation (Edward Elgar 2022).


  • M. Aboy, "Mapping the European Patent Landscape for Medical uses of Known Products", with K. Liddell, J. Liddicoat, C. Crespo, and M. Jordan, Nature Biotechnology 39 (11), 1336-1343
  • M. Aboy, "Has the EU Incentive for Drug Repositioning been Effective? An Empirical Analysis of the “+ 1” Regulatory Exclusivity", with J. Liddicoat, K. Liddell, and J. Wested, IIC-International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 52.
  • M. Aboy, "The Patentability of Computer-Implemented Simulations and Implications for Computer-Implemented Inventions (CIIs)", with T. Minssen, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 16 (7), 633-635
  • K. Liddell, "Mapping the European Patent Landscape for Medical Uses of Known Products", with M. Aboy, J. Liddicoat, C. Crespo and M. Jordan, (2021) 39(11) Nature Biotechnology pp.1336-1343.
  • K. Liddell, "Has the EU Incentive for Drug Repositioning Been Effective? An Empirical Analysis of the “+1” Regulatory Exclusivity", with J. Liddicoat, M. Aboy and J. Wested, (2021) 52(7) International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law pp.825-851.
  • K. Liddell, "Reconsidering Repositioning Incentives: An Empirical Legal Analysis of Market Protection for New Therapeutic Indications", with J. Liddicoat and Z. Fritz, (2021) 3 European Pharmaceutical Law Review pp.110-124.


  • M. Aboy, "The FDA De Novo Medical Device Pathway, Patents and Anticompetition", with J.S. Sherkow, Nature Biotechnology 38 (9), 1028-1029
  • M. Aboy, "One Year after Vanda, are Diagnostics Patents Transforming into Methods of Treatment to Overcome Mayo-Based Rejections?", with C. Crespo, K. Liddell, N. Davey, J. Liddicoat, and T. Minssen, Nature Biotechnology 38 (3), 279-283
  • K. Liddell, "One Year after Vanda, are Diagnostics Patents Transforming into Methods of Treatment to Overcome Mayo-Based Rejections?", with M. Aboy, C. Crespo, N. Davey, J. Liddicoat and T. Minssen, (2020) 38(3) Nature Biotechnology pp.279.


  • M. Aboy, "How Does Emerging Patent Case Law in the US and Europe Affect Precision Medicine?", with K. Liddell, C. Crespo, I.G. Cohen, J. Liddicoat, S. Gerke, and T. Minssen, Nature Biotechnology 37 (10), 1118-1125
  • M. Aboy, "Continental Drift? Do European Clinical Genetic Testing Laboratories Have a Patent Problem?", with J. Liddicoat, K. Liddell, A.H. McCarthy, S. Hogarth, D. Nicol, and S. Patton, European Journal of Human Genetics 27 (7), 997-1007
  • M. Aboy, "Mayo’s Impact on Patent Applications Related to Biotechnology, Diagnostics and Personalized Medicine", with C. Crespo, K. Liddell, T. Minssen, and J. Liddicoat, Nature Biotechnology 37 (5), 513-518
  • M. Aboy, "The Effects of Myriad and Mayo on Molecular-Test Development in the United States and Europe: Interviews from the Frontline", with J. Liddicoat, and K. Liddell, Vand. J. Ent. & Tech. L. 22, 785
  • K. Liddell, "How Does Emerging Patent Case Law in the US and Europe Affect Precision Medicine?", with M. Aboy, C. Crespo, G. Cohen, J. Liddicoat, S. Gerke, and T. Minssen, (2019) 57(10) Nature Biotechnology pp.1118-1125.
  • K. Liddell, "Mayo’s Impact on Patent Applications Related to Biotechnology, Diagnostics, and Personalized Medicine", with M. Aboy, C. Crespo, T. Minssen, and J. Liddicoat, (2019) 37(5) Nature Biotechnology pp.513-518.
  • K. Liddell, "Continental Drift? Do European Clinical Genetic Testing Laboratories have a Patent Problem?", with J. Liddicoat, A. McCarthy, S. Hogarth, M. Aboy, D. Nicol, S. Patton, and M. Hopkins, (2019) 27 European Journal of Human Genetics pp.997-1007.
  • K. Liddell, "Morality, Religion and Patents" in Patents on Life: Religious, Moral and Social Justice Aspects of Biotechnology and Intellectual Property, (Cambridge University Press 2019) pp.25-37.


  • M. Aboy, "Was the Myriad Decision a 'Surgical Strike' on Isolated DNA Patents, or Does it Have Wider Impacts?", with C. Crespo, K. Liddell, J. Liddicoat, and M. Jordan, Nature Biotechnology 36 (12), 1146-1149
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Creating, Sharing and Protecting Green Knowledge: Policy Space for ‘Green’ Technology Transfer under the WTO Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and TRIPs-Plus Commitments in Preferential Trade Agreements", International Law Association (ILA), Committee on Sustainable Development and the Green Economy, ‘Interim Report on Sustainable Development and the Green Economy in International Trade Law,’ International Law Association, Sydney (Australia) Conference 2018.
  • K. Liddell, "Was the Myriad Decision a ‘Surgical Strike’ on Isolated DNA Patents, or does it have Wider Impacts?", with M. Aboy, C. Crespo, J. Liddicoat, and M. Jordan, (2018) 56(12) Nature Biotechnology pp.1146-1149.


  • M. Aboy, "After Myriad, What Makes a Gene Patent Claim 'Markedly Different' from Nature?", with J. Liddicoat, K. Liddell, M. Jordan, and C. Crespo, Nature Biotechnology 35 (9), 820-825
  • K. Liddell, "After Myriad, what makes a Gene Patent Claim ‘Markedly Different’ from Nature?", with M. Aboy, J. Liddicoat, M. Jordan, and C. Crespo, (2017) 35(9) Nature Biotechnology pp.820-825.
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Patentability of Pharmaceutical Inventions Under TRIPS: Domestic Court Practice as a Test for International Policy Space", with R. Romandini, (May 11, 2016) in B. Mercurio and D. Kim, Contemporary Issues in Pharmaceutical Patent Law (Routledge, 2017), pp.9-46; 38 pages  [an earlier version is available as Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 16-02, online available at:


  • M. Aboy, "Myriad's Impact on Gene Patents", with K. Liddell, J. Liddicoat, C. Crespo, Nature Biotechnology 34 (11), 1119-1123
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, Life Technologies Corporation vs Promega Corporation, in the Supreme Court of the United States (No. 14-1538), filed together with R Mann & P Torremanns, 8 September 2016, pp.1-24, 25 pages – submission online at:
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, Eli Lilly vs Government of Canada, (Case No. UNCT/14/2) in front of an Arbitration Tribunal established under Chapter 11 of NAFTA and the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (1976), filed together with K Liddell & M Waibel, 12 February 2016, pp.1-21, 22 pages – submission online at:
  • K. Liddell, "Myriad’s Impact on Gene Patents", with M. Aboy, J. Liddicoat, and C. Crespo, (2016) 34(11) Nature Biotechnology pp.1119-1123.
  • K. Liddell, "Fair and Equitable Treatment and Judicial Patent Decisions", with M. Waibel, (2016) 19(1) Journal of International Economic Law pp.145-174.
  • K. Liddell, "Should we Change EU Law to Disallow DNA Patents?", with J. Liddicoat , Philomathia Forum, Third Annual Symposium, ‘Body Politics: the Dilemmas of Regulating New Technologies’ (October 21, 2016). Available at SSRN: <> accessed 11 December 2018.


  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "The International Legal Framework for the Protection of Utility Models", The WIPO Journal, Vol.4, pp.175-190 (2013) – reprinted in: European Intellectual Property Law (edited by J. Rosen), Edward Elgar (2015).
  • K. Liddell,"Realising Genomic Medicine: Intellectual Property Issues", (Workshop report, May 2015) <> .


  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Options for Utility Model Protection in Jordan", Report conducted for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), January 2014, pp.1-56, 57 pages  [copies can be provided on request].


  • L, Bently, "Patents and Trade Secrets in England: The Case of Newbery v James (1817)", in R. Dreyfuss and J. Ginsburg, IP at the Edge (Cambridge: CUP, 2013) pp. 295-317.


  • L. Bently, "Patents and Trade Secrets" in S. Basheer and N. Wilkof (eds), Overlapping Intellectual Property Rights, (Oxford: OUP, 2012) Ch 3.
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Utility Model Protection – A Feasible Option for Incentivising Incremental Innovation?",  Study conducted for the World Intellectual Property Organisation, June 2012, pp.1-97, 98 pages – online available at:
  • K. Liddell, "Immorality and Patents: The Exclusion of Inventions Contrary to Ordre Public and Morality", in A. Lever (ed) New Frontiers in the Philosophy of Intellectual Property (Cambridge University Press 2012) pp.140-71.


  • L. Bently, "Exclusions from Patentability and exceptions to Patentees' Right: Taking Exceptions Seriously", (2011) 64 Current Legal Problems, pp. 315-247.


  • L. Bently, WIPO, Standing Committee on Patents, Exclusions from Patentabilty and Exceptions to Patent Rights (2010) at
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "A Trade Agreement Creating Barriers to International Trade? ACTA Border Measures and Goods in Transit",  American University International Law Review  (2011) 26(3), pp.645-726 and as Society of International Economic Law (SIEL), Second Biennial Global Conference paper, (July 8-10, 2010) available on SSRN at
  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “Statement of the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law on the Review of EU Legislation on Customs Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights” together with J. Drexl, R. Hilty, and T. Jaeger (May 28, 2010), International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Vol.41 No.6 (2010) pp.674-694 – published also as Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition & Tax Law Research Paper No. 10-08 - available on SSRN at


  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, “Policing Patents Worldwide? EC Border Measures against Transiting Generic Drugs under EC- and WTO Intellectual Property Regimes”, together with T. Jaeger, International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, (IIC) Vol.40, No.5 (2009), pp.502-538.
  • K. Liddell, "The Phantom Menace of Gene Patents", with S. Gaisser, M. Hopkins, E. Zika and D. Ibarreta, (2009) 458 (7237) Nature pp.407-9.


  • K. Liddell, "Patents as Incentives for Translational and Evaluative Research: the Case of Genetic Tests and their Improved Clinical Performance", with S. Hogarth, D. Melzer and R. Zimmern, (2008) 3 Intellectual Property Quarterly pp.286-327.
  • K. Liddell, "Patent Entitlement Claims: Markem Overruled", (2008) 67 (2) Cambridge Law Journal pp.256-60.


  • K. Liddell, "Patents, Ethics and Embryo Stem Cells", presentation for Cambridge Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law’s inaugural “IP Evenings at Emmanuel College, Cambridge” (Cambridge, 8 November 2004)
  • K. Liddell, "Developing Patent Policy in Pluralist Societies", paper presented at the international conference jointly organized by the University of Cambridge, Sheffield Institute of Biotechnology Law and Ethics, and University of Tokyo on ‘Bioethical Issues of Intellectual Property in Biotechnology’ (Tokyo, 6 September 2004).


  • H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, "Intellectual Property Aspects of Smart Card Technology", Research Report produced for the ECLIP Forum on Smart Cards Technology (Queen Mary University of London, 17th September 2001), [on file with author].