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Audio recordings of most of these events are available on Captivate (and most popular podcast apps) or Apple Podcasts/iTunes.

Easter Term





10 April 2017

Damian Clifford
KU Leuven

'Profiled personalisation and citizen-consumer autonomy: In (all) "fairness" is change needed?'

Not recorded

18 May 2017

Tim Dornis
Leuphana Law School

'Behind the Steele Curtain: An Empirical Study of Trademark Conflicts Law, 1952-2016'


19 May 2017

Graeme Austin
Professor of Law, Melbourne University & Chair in Private Law, Victoria University of Wellington

'Trademarks and Private Governance'


26 June 2017

Dr Angela Daly
Vice Chancellor's Research Fellow in Queensland University of Technology's Faculty of Law (Australia)

'Plus ça change? Trading privacy post-Brexit: a third country perspective'

Not recorded

Lent Term





27 January 2017

Mrs Jayashree Watal
Counsellor, World Trade Organization

'The Law and Economics of Patented Medicines - are promoting innovation and access opposing goals?'

Not recorded

2 February 2017

Dr Kathy Bowrey
University of New South Wales

'Myths, Legends and Imaginary Legal Subjects: Reconsidering the legal and business relations of Lewis Carroll, Beatrix Potter, Felix the Cat and Mickey Mouse'


23 February 2017

Jef Ausloos
KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law

'Ctrl-alt-delete: tracing the right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’) in eu data protection law'

Not recorded

2 March 2017

​Rupprecht Podszun
University of Düsseldorf

'Contextualising the IP versus competition law clash – an evolutionary approach to the Huawei case'


17 March 2017

Stephen J. Schulhofer
New York University

'Cross-Border Challenges to Data Privacy'


Michaelmas Term





25 October 2016

Professor Michael Madison
Professor of Law and Faculty Director of the Innovation Practice Institute

'Governing Medical Knowledge Commons'


17 November 2016

Professor Tania Voon
Melbourne Law School

'Intellectual Property and Tobacco Control: A Case Study of Australia and Uruguay'

Not recorded

1 December 2016

Dr Jaani Riordan
8 New Square

'Hyperlinking and website blocking injunctions: recent copyright case law from the European and English courts'


Not recorded