Patricia Collis, Trade Mark Attorney, Bird & Bird
The withdrawal of the UK from the EU in March 2019 is already impacting the world of intellectual property, for both legal practitioners and brand owners. This talk will provide an overview, from the perspective of a brand management practitioner, of the current means of obtaining registered and unregistered trade mark and design protection in the UK. This will include both direct UK rights and those resulting from EU membership. The talk will then consider the likely position post-Brexit. Aspects discussed here will include options for transposition of EU-wide rights into the UK national system, areas in which brand owners may have reduced protection, and practical steps for mitigating risk associated with these, as yet, undefined changes. The talk will conclude with discussion of the impact Brexit may have on UK practitioners specialised in intellectual property law, both as regards the work they will be able to do and the bodies they will be able to appear before.
About the speaker
Patricia is a Senior Associate at the international law firm Bird & Bird. She is based in their London office where she works in the brand management team. In addition to helping clients create, exploit and maintain trade mark and design rights across the globe, she advises on contentious matters and has experience of proceedings at the UK Intellectual Property Office, the EU Intellectual Property Office, the High Court and the General Court. She also advises on issues relating to domain names, company names and copyright. Patricia holds an MA and an LLM from the University of Cambridge, and is qualified as a European Trade Mark & Design Attorney, UK Chartered Trade Mark Attorney and Registered Trade Mark Attorney in Ireland. Patricia is co-author of The European Union Trade Mark: A Practical Guide (2016, Globe Law and Business), co-editor of The CITMA & CIPA Community Designs Handbook (Sweet & Maxwell) and sits on the Designs Committee of the European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA). She has also been involved in the Brexit Working Group on Designs for the Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorney (CITMA).
For further information please contact CIPIL Administrator, Mr. James Parish jprp2@cam.ac.uk