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Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law

Monday, 18 January 2010

WIPO has commissioned Lionel Bently to manage a team of academics to examine the relationship between exceptions from patentability and exception to patentees rights. The team, comprising Professors Denis Barbosa (Rio), Shamnad Basheer (Kolkata), Richard Gold (McGill), Brad Sherman (Queensland), and Coenraad Visser (South Africa) will conduct a survey of both type of exceptions , their justifications and their practical operation. The review will examine the interaction of the two types of exceptions in relation to particular fields: so, for example, exceptions from patentability relating to mathematical methods and exceptions from patentee’s rights for purpose of research will be considered in one section; exceptions from patentability relating to medical methods, and exceptions to patentee’s rights as regard preparation of pharmaceuticals in pharmacies will be considered in another. The review is scheduled to be completed in July 2010.
