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Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law

Monday, 1 March 2021

TravauxThe Centre for Intellectual Property and Information (CIPIL) has long prioritised historical and cross-jurisdictional work and, as part of this, has made available for many years European Union (EU) travaux préparatoires relating to directives and regulations in the field of intellectual property and information law.  This resource has focused on the period prior to the late 1990s as, since this time, the Council of the EU has posted most of the Council Working Party and the Committee of Permanent Representative papers on its website and the European Parliament has done likewise as regards the preparatory papers of its committees and plenary sessions.

Recently CIPIL has focused on completing the database especially in the area of information law by the addition of the Data Protection Directive 95/46, e-Commerce Directive 2000/31, and the Personal Data and Privacy in Telecommunications Directive 97/66/EC.  We have also sought to ensure that the material is presented in a way which is helpful for further research.  As part of this, we have reassembled each of the travaux so that they are collated in a single optical character recognised (OCRed) bundle with the document tables linking directly to the relevant part of the travaux as a whole.  Aside from the three most recently added travaux, links to individual documents have been preserved so that they can be used when more suitable.  Finally, in the case of the Data Protection Directive, e-Commerce Directive and the Personal Data and Privacy in Telecommunications Directive we have developed detailed article-by-article indexes with links directly to the bundled travaux.

Getting the travaux to this point has been very much a combined effort involving many people over several years.  Particular thanks should go to Stefanie Felsberger for her work in expanding the database and making it more accessible.  We very much hope that this will prove a useful resource for the IP and information law community.
